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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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So how many of ya have been influenced to carry on this charade of politics we let them get away with? or has it influenced you to try and do something about it.


We do have the democratic right to change our society for the better which means changing our economy so it's not based on this housing bubble crap which is unsafe and retail ******** **** what only brings low paid jobs, the people of these islands need investing in which creates wealth, there's enough money generated/could be generated across these islands for something a lot better and we deserve that, but we will have to fight for it but we do currently have the establishment rocking, which is lovely.

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The Scots a people who " Know the price of everything, and the value of nothing" Oscar Wilde.


"We were bought and sold for English gold twice what a parcel of rogues in a nation."

Rabbie Burns.


Those two quotes sum them up as a people.


From a purely selfish personal viewpoint I'm glad they voted no, because there would have been problems, not insurmountable problems ,but some difficulties.


But it had nothing to do with me, it was their choice, and they were coerced by a mixture of threats, bribes and scaremongering into remaining tied to mummy's apron strings.


Fair enough their choice, but they shouldn't refer to themselves as a nation anymore they've proved they aren't.


Oh,and can we leave off with the Braveheart crap in future?


"They'll never take our freedom!"


We didn't have to take it, you handed it over on a plate.

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This is a good read/watch if your not into bleating things you don't understand..


The Wee Blue Book, is a very useful booklet full of facts and figures about Scottish independence, it's advantages to the people of Scotland, it's costs and how a Scottish Government (any Scottish Government, not just an SNP one) could pay for said costs. Also, all these figures are fully referenced, with links (available in the digital copies) to UK government figures, academic experts, and Unionists politicians and officials' statements, with few, if any, links to pro-independence sources, so you can have a look at the sources yourself and see what unbiased, and even strongly pro-union biased sources, have to say.




or the narrated version


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But it had nothing to do with me, it was their choice,


The choice was given to them, yes. However, it does have something to do with you...


If, for example, you have a leech attached to your body; it matters (or should matter) to you, if it stays or goes.


Likewise, if the net effect of Scottish inclusion in the union, is detrimental to the English; then yes, it has something to do with you, and every other English person. There are 2 parties in every relationship...

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But it had nothing to do with me, it was their choice, and they were coerced by a mixture of threats, bribes and scaremongering into remaining tied to mummy's apron strings.


You must have watched a different campaign to me.


All I saw from the yes vote campaign was lies, nonsense and bribery. Especially to the young voters - that Sturgeon woman especially made me want to vomit when she was addressing the kids. Making promises to the predominantly naïve is poor/cheap tactics. I reckon we've seen the last of Salmond too. Any votes on whether he'll retire or something, in luxury?


From a purely selfish personal viewpoint I'm glad they voted no, because there would have been problems, not insurmountable problems ,but some difficulties.


I agree with this. I know a lot of Scottish people and who are sensible people, and I wouldn't want to see their country ruined.




It doesn't surprise me that Glasgow voted yes.

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But it had nothing to do with me, it was their choice, and they were coerced by a mixture of threats, bribes and scaremongering into remaining tied to mummy's apron strings.


Not sure this is actually the case - remember there was only one opinion poll that suggested "Yes" was in the lead. Every other poll told us the majority of Scots wished to remain in the UK.

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You must have watched a different campaign to me.


All I saw from the yes vote campaign was lies, nonsense and bribery. Especially to the young voters - that Sturgeon woman especially made me want to vomit when she was addressing the kids. Making promises to the predominantly naïve is poor/cheap tactics. I reckon we've seen the last of Salmond too. Any votes on whether he'll retire or something, in luxury?




I agree with this. I know a lot of Scottish people and who are sensible people, and I wouldn't want to see their country ruined.




It doesn't surprise me that Glasgow voted yes.


Maybe Glasgow should be ringfenced and they can have their own little Scotland right there :D

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When I said it had nothing to do with me, I meant in a literal sense.


The vote was only given to people residing in Scotland, and it was their decision to choose to be a sovereign nation or not as the case may be.


As for not being coerced by bribery and profits of doom, a Conservative MP was on the radio earlier today pointing out that Gordon Brown had gone to Scotland and promised them all sorts of stuff without the prior knowledge or consent of Parliament.


Cameron has promised them that if they voted against freedom he would give them more freedom. :rolleyes:


And if stating that regiments of the Armed forces based in Scotland would be moved away, damaging their economy,and the RBS saying it would relocate to London aren't threats I'd like to know what is.

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Maybe Glasgow should be ringfenced and they can have their own little Scotland right there :D


Yep, I thought that!


Who's gonna lay bets on the first UK leader to go to Glasgow for a meeting or talk?


If it wasn't for the election next year, I would none for at least a year. And Cameron not for at least 10.


---------- Post added 19-09-2014 at 13:31 ----------


And if stating that regiments of the Armed forces based in Scotland would be moved away, damaging their economy,and the RBS saying it would relocate to London aren't threats I'd like to know what is.


Do you really think that unless the ideologists offered free tax this and free that, that companies wouldn't relocate?


It would go against all the 'yes campaign' to allow these breaks to happen, so they would relocate. It's not threats, it's reality. Companies aren't going to lose money just to stay on side with a few people who don't want the 'bedroom tax'.


The yes campaign call it threats though to try and deflect the truth.


It didn't need these 'threats' anyway. The no voting majority saw that the economy would be almost certainly be damaged with or without these 'threats', and voted accordingly.

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