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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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Well, it looks like UKIP are backing more devolution especially for England


Just when Cameron thought things were getting better now this happens !!!


Tories are pushing for it too, they could be ruling the English parliament & want more of their cronies not doing much in jobs paid for by the public. The government wants more government.

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So, given the chance to stand on their own back legs, and be a nation amongst the other sovereign nations of the world, they're not prepared to take a risk?


The voters probably worked out the risks and voted accordingly. They obviously realised the risk wasn't worth it, given the vote :)


My mothers people the Irish fought and died for their freedom, and took the financial consequences they knew were coming.


There is no comparison between the two, Ireland is a nation, Scotland is an annex of a superior nation.


:huh: So why bring it up?

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Talk about throwing his rattle out of the pram,


whilst im not scottish i believe very much what someone said live on the bbc last night in the first few hours of scotland decides,


if things like policys and currancy and all that good stuff was thought through 3 to 4 years ago instead of at the last minute the vote may well have been a yes, the referendum felt very rushed towards the end.


It was clear they had no real plan, I think Salmond just wanted to get quite a large proportion of the vote to improve their negotiating position for next time.

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:huh: So why bring it up?


I take it you are being deliberately obtuse in an attempt to be humorous?


As two countries adjacent to England who were both ruled by the crown for centuries, there are obvious similarities and comparisons.


One had an overwhelming desire for freedom, and displayed the courage and sacrifice to make it happen, the other was given the opportunity to obtain it's freedom without a drop of blood being spilt and was afraid it might involve a bit of hard work and relatively minor sacrifice, so chose to remain tied to mummy's apron strings.


That's where the 'no comparison' quote comes in.


One is a Nation that can stand amongst any other as an equal, the other is a pathetic excuse for a collection of people, more concerned for their wallet than the long term future of their country.

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I take it you are being deliberately obtuse in an attempt to be humorous?


As two countries adjacent to England who were both ruled by the crown for centuries, there are obvious similarities and comparisons.


One had an overwhelming desire for freedom, and displayed the courage and sacrifice to make it happen, the other was given the opportunity to obtain it's freedom without a drop of blood being spilt and was afraid it might involve a bit of hard work and relatively minor sacrifice, so chose to remain tied to mummy's apron strings.


That's where the 'no comparison' quote comes in.


One is a Nation that can stand amongst any other as an equal, the other is a pathetic excuse for a collection of people, more concerned for their wallet than the long term future of their country.


To be fair it's nearly 200 years since we last starved or massacred the Scots (afaik), they always had it easier.

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To be fair it's nearly 200 years since we last starved or massacred the Scots (afaik), they always had it easier.


Well that is true. The Scots tended to be viewed as useful fools by the English always prepared to join the army and do as they were told.


The Irish also joined the British army in numbers, but back in Ireland there were always uprisings caused by people who had the strange notion that freedom mattered and that it was their country.


I just don't get the Scots, they are a talented hard working people in the main and have assets, unique products and an image to sell.


But despite their projected proud aggressive " They'll never take our Freedom!" "And send em home boys to think again", it turns out they lack the confidence and faith in themselves to believe they can run their own country.

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Well that is true. The Scots tended to be viewed as useful fools by the English always prepared to join the army and do as they were told.


The Irish also joined the British army in numbers, but back in Ireland there were always uprisings caused by people who had the strange notion that freedom mattered and that it was their country.


I just don't get the Scots, they are a talented hard working people in the main and have assets, unique products and an image to sell.


But despite their projected proud aggressive " They'll never take our Freedom!" "And send em home boys to think again", it turns out they lack the confidence and faith in themselves to believe they can run their own country.


Agree, independence is always worth the shot, it can't be any worse than centuries of rule!

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