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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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Can they have another vote?

On 12 June 2008 the Irish rejected the Treaty of Lisbon so they had another go on the 2 October 2009 and accepted it this time. If the Irish can do it why not let the Scots have another go, we may be able to get rid of them this time, after all almost 45% of them don't want anything to do with us, that can only mean more trouble in the future for us.


You should have a gander at some of those videos. They are hilarious and some contain some shocking Anti English bile. Ive tried to comment on one video 3 times. Ive tried to say it dosent look like vote rigging to me (and it dosent) but every time i go back hes deleted it. All the ones agreeing with him are still there tho lol.

Anyway, id encourage everyone to go have a look. See what some Scots think of us English before you decide keeping the union was a good thing.

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No exit polls allowed is very suspicious.


I believe the vote was likely rigged.





Exit polls never get it right. I personally have deliberately lied to every exit poll I have taken part in about how I have voted. Why? because they are a complete waste of time in my view.


---------- Post added 21-09-2014 at 18:36 ----------


You should have a gander at some of those videos. They are hilarious and some contain some shocking Anti English bile. Ive tried to comment on one video 3 times. Ive tried to say it dosent look like vote rigging to me (and it dosent) but every time i go back hes deleted it. All the ones agreeing with him are still there tho lol.

Anyway, id encourage everyone to go have a look. See what some Scots think of us English before you decide keeping the union was a good thing.


Most Scots GImp have no problem with the English or any other nation for that matter but as with all there are those who take an extreme view. Don't judge us because of a few extremists please.


There was a substantial amount of anti Scottish sentiment being expressed by English people across the board so it is only to be expected there would be similar coming the other way. That's pretty normal.

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Exit polls never get it right. I personally have deliberately lied to every exit poll I have taken part in about how I have voted. Why? because they are a complete waste of time in my view.


---------- Post added 21-09-2014 at 18:36 ----------



Most Scots GImp have no problem with the English or any other nation for that matter but as with all there are those who take an extreme view. Don't judge us because of a few extremists please.

I havent judged you. I said some. Having said that its way more than a few extremists. From some of those videos its 1000s of disgruntled scots. The people who post the vids with the crackpot theories about election rigging and the masses who proudly proclaim they are Sctish before wading in with the anti English sentiment.

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I havent judged you. I said some. Having said that its way more than a few extremists. From some of those videos its 1000s of disgruntled scots. The people who post the vids with the crackpot theories about election rigging and the masses who proudly proclaim they are Sctish before wading in with the anti English sentiment.


Almost half the population wanted a Yes so it should be no surprise that those who wanted it so omuch are dismissive of the other side. No matter which way this went there was going to be almost half the population not happy with the result.


1.6m didn;t want this result so of course there are going to be a fair few not so happy about it. But as a Scot who lives here so didn't get a vote and would have voted No if I had, I can see why they're a bit fed up. I'm not anti English (married one) but having been born and bred there I can fully understand why some are anti-English. Doesn't mean I agree with it but let's not forget the anti-Scottish sentiment received from some of the English population.


Although I married an Englishman and my daughter was born here anyone slags off my country they get short shrift! So for those who did express anti-Scottish sentiments, don;t give it out if you can;t take it back would be the best plan.

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Whilst I am disappointed in the way that what I saw as an opportunity for the Scots was rejected, I have no dislike of individual Scots, the reverse in fact.


On visiting Scotland I have always been made welcome, and far from the 'tight fisted' reputation they're supposed to have, I have always found the exact opposite to be true.


I worked with a number of Scots over the years and got on brilliantly with them, their sense of humour matches my own.


It's possibly because I like them that I'm annoyed at the result, even though I predicted it.


In my view they've let themselves down, I believe they are a people who possess all the abilities and assets required to be more than successful.


Who knows what they could have achieved.


The lack of nerve when given the opportunity is disappointing, but their choice.

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Whilst I am disappointed in the way that what I saw as an opportunity for the Scots was rejected, I have no dislike of individual Scots, the reverse in fact.


On visiting Scotland I have always been made welcome, and far from the 'tight fisted' reputation they're supposed to have, I have always found the exact opposite to be true.


I worked with a number of Scots over the years and got on brilliantly with them, their sense of humour matches my own.


It's possibly because I like them that I'm annoyed at the result, even though I predicted it.


In my view they've let themselves down, I believe they are a people who possess all the abilities and assets required to be more than successful.


Who knows what they could have achieved.


The lack of nerve when given the opportunity is disappointing, but their choice.


I as a Scot don't feel any disappointment other than had the Yes campaign given their proposals much more of a substance they would have won the day. It was far too big a decision to make based on what was vague and unsubstantiated information.


We haven;t let ourselves down at all because as a result of what happened on Thursday the whole UK will benefit from long over due political reform which is a huge positive.

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Whilst I am disappointed in the way that what I saw as an opportunity for the Scots was rejected, I have no dislike of individual Scots, the reverse in fact.


On visiting Scotland I have always been made welcome, and far from the 'tight fisted' reputation they're supposed to have, I have always found the exact opposite to be true.


I worked with a number of Scots over the years and got on brilliantly with them, their sense of humour matches my own.


It's possibly because I like them that I'm annoyed at the result, even though I predicted it.


In my view they've let themselves down, I believe they are a people who possess all the abilities and assets required to be more than successful.


Who knows what they could have achieved.


The lack of nerve when given the opportunity is disappointing, but their choice.


I think if the yes team had spent a bit of time doing some ground work on what currency they were actually going to use etc rather than a general "we'll be fine" they would have got more votes. The whole campaign was based on emotion only - not how people were going to actually live.

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I think if the yes team had spent a bit of time doing some ground work on what currency they were actually going to use etc rather than a general "we'll be fine" they would have got more votes. The whole campaign was based on emotion only - not how people were going to actually live.


That is exactly on the money. If I'd been able to vote with my heart a Yes was never in dispute but the head had to come into it and I found there were far too many fairly big questions unanswered so it was a No. So I'm neither suprised nor disappointed in the result. I do know from family and friends across all ages who did have a vote that they were of a similar mind set.

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You forgot that the population of Scotland favoured painting themselves blue at one time and before that they lived in caves. I think you will find our home islands have been colonised rather more often than Puerto Rico.


The GDP per capita of Puerto Rico is around $28,000. I think you will find that compares pretty favourably with Scotland.


The population of Scotland still occasionally like to paint themselfs blue but it's more to do with football than anything else. :)


Puerto Rico was inhabited by aboriginals up to and beyond 1493.


In 1406 James I was King of Scotland


In 1412 St Andrews University was Founded by Bishop Wardlaw.


In 1451 Glasgow University was founded by a bull of Pope Nicholas V at the Suit of King James II and Bishop Turnbull.


In 1460 King James II was killed by an exploding cannon at the siege of Roxburgh.


In 1694 Kings College, University of Aberdeen was founded by Bishop Elphinstone.


In 1496 the Education Act was passed.


Yes, Scotland and Puerto Rico, separated at birth. :)


To use W B Yeats description of the Anglo-Irish, which in my opinion also used to apply to the Scots, " They are no petty people."


They have sold themselves short.

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