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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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Has anyone mentioned the Darien adventure? I did it once but I think I got away with it.


You'd kind of hope they've got over a balls up that took place in around 1695 by now.


Anyway we all - or at least the sensible ones amongst us - learn by our mistakes. :)

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The population of Scotland still occasionally like to paint themselfs blue but it's more to do with football than anything else. :)


Puerto Rico was inhabited by aboriginals up to and beyond 1493.


In 1406 James I was King of Scotland


In 1412 St Andrews University was Founded by Bishop Wardlaw.


In 1451 Glasgow University was founded by a bull of Pope Nicholas V at the Suit of King James II and Bishop Turnbull.


In 1460 King James II was killed by an exploding cannon at the siege of Roxburgh.


In 1694 Kings College, University of Aberdeen was founded by Bishop Elphinstone.


In 1496 the Education Act was passed.


Yes, Scotland and Puerto Rico, separated at birth. :)


To use W B Yeats description of the Anglo-Irish, which in my opinion also used to apply to the Scots, " They are no petty people."


They have sold themselves short.


You don't think that if Scotland had voted YES the consequences for the UK would have been cataclysmic in many ways?


Don't use Ireland as an example of independence without any serious consequences to follow. That was almost 100 years ago and a whole different situation.

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Whilst I am disappointed in the way that what I saw as an opportunity for the Scots was rejected, I have no dislike of individual Scots, the reverse in fact.


On visiting Scotland I have always been made welcome, and far from the 'tight fisted' reputation they're supposed to have, I have always found the exact opposite to be true.


I worked with a number of Scots over the years and got on brilliantly with them, their sense of humour matches my own.


It's possibly because I like them that I'm annoyed at the result, even though I predicted it.


In my view they've let themselves down, I believe they are a people who possess all the abilities and assets required to be more than successful.


Who knows what they could have achieved.


The lack of nerve when given the opportunity is disappointing, but their choice.


that pontificating pseudo nationalist drivel sounds like nothing so much as

one of those middle class communists who used to deplore that the working class were not interested in a Marxist revolution.


what was especially interesting about the whole debate was the deafening silence coming over to Scotland across the water from Ireland. Dublin would have been totally appalled, had the Scottish referendum vote, been YES. It would have messed them up just as much as it would have messed up everyone else. The YES campaign could not find a single front rank politician, either retired or currently active, in any of England, Wales or Ireland that was actually ready to go on to their platform and endorse/support/campaign for them.

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Although I married an Englishman and my daughter was born here anyone slags off my country they get short shrift! So for those who did express anti-Scottish sentiments, don;t give it out if you can;t take it back would be the best plan.


Thats a nice excuse for having a chip on your shoulder.

Seriously, have another vote. This time you could do it and i for one would be more than happy to see Scotland try to fend for itself.

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I see Lord Voldemort is now trying to limit the voting rights of Scotish MPs


"David Cameron is hosting a summit of senior Conservative MPs at Chequers to discuss plans to limit the Commons voting rights of Scottish MPs"




Simply nasty, he wants Scotland in the union, but nobody is sure why, and then plans to limit their actions.

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I see Lord Voldemort is now trying to limit the voting rights of Scotish MPs


"David Cameron is hosting a summit of senior Conservative MPs at Chequers to discuss plans to limit the Commons voting rights of Scottish MPs"




Simply nasty, he wants Scotland in the union, but nobody is sure why, and then plans to limit their actions.


Seems fair to me. I dont like Cameron and i cant stand the tories but this seems perfectly fair.

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Seems fair to me. I dont like Cameron and i cant stand the tories but this seems perfectly fair.


Fair? So if he wanted Scotland in the union and god knows why since most seats in Scotland are Labour, but he doesn't want them to have a say, what are they? A pet of some kind? It's bound to lead to legal action, Cameron can't have it both ways.

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Fair? So if he wanted Scotland in the union and god knows why since most seats in Scotland are Labour, but he doesn't want them to have a say, what are they? A pet of some kind? It's bound to lead to legal action, Cameron can't have it both ways.


Well when you put it like that.

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