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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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You forgot the aborigies and the maori.


I never denied the english have much to answer for. Not least for involving the Scots welsh and irish in some of their shameful foreign exploits.


We were however talking about culture.


It was you that was mistakenly holding up the US culture as a good example of harmony.


Don't misunderstand me. I like many of the americans I have met and all that choose to associate with which I do both regularly and frequently, but even they will admit the US is in all kinds of trouble. One of its major problems being cultural relations within its own borders.




Southern California is about as multi-cultural as you can get. I'm not seeing even a hint of friction around anywhere.


What part of the US are you talking about and where are the street riots, protest marches, cross burnings, mosque and synagogue trashings ? Cos maybe I'm missing all this on the news media

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It seems to me that the problem with this type of discussion is that the USA is huge in comparison to Britain and there is an enormous disparity in races, religions and cultures.


Basically in a country of immigrants every nation in the world is represented.


This has it's good points, and also it's negatives.


To deny that there is a serious problem with gun culture in America is a bit daft, unless of course you believe that those children unlucky enough to be born into inner city impoverished areas are somehow not as American as you, and therefore their problems don't matter as much as those who live in the more affluent areas.


No one has control of the situation they are born into - as far as we know - and therefore should be given a chance to live without fear in the richest country in the world.


That's not happening, and the availability of firearms is a major part of the problem.

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It seems to me that the problem with this type of discussion is that the USA is huge in comparison to Britain and there is an enormous disparity in races, religions and cultures.


Basically in a country of immigrants every nation in the world is represented.


This has it's good points, and also it's negatives.


To deny that there is a serious problem with gun culture in America is a bit daft, unless of course you believe that those children unlucky enough to be born into inner city impoverished areas are somehow not as American as you, and therefore their problems don't matter as much as those who live in the more affluent areas.


No one has control of the situation they are born into - as far as we know - and therefore should be given a chance to live without fear in the richest country in the world.


That's not happening, and the availability of firearms is a major part of the problem.


50 years ago cultural and racial differences were a problem but the country has changed demographically and a new generation now running the show and far more tolerant and enlightened than their fathers and mothers were.


Most people, the great majority in fact do live without fear in this country. In the ghetto like inner cities that may not be true however. Black communities are gradually forming neighborhood committees to deal with gang violence and crime. This was not always the case. The police were traditionally treated with suspicion and if a crime took place in such an area the people would clam up and refuse to say anything. Nowadays big city police forces are multi- cultural and multi racial themselves.


The L.A Police department has a special gang suppression unit which has had a lot of success in cutting down on gang activity.


Don't get me started on guns :D This subject is currently being flogged to death on another thread

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Southern California is about as multi-cultural as you can get. I'm not seeing even a hint of friction around anywhere.


You picked a good one there. California Dreaming and its not surprising. One of the best climates, one of lowest population densities and one of the 10 richest states in the US typical income $60.OOO per annum, great beach on the pacific ocean. I amagine the biggest problems there are earthquakes and the mosquitos. Not exactly a contravertial politcal hot bed.


Then you look at LA the street gang capitol of America. Over 1000 gangs with over 100, 000 members, daily drive by shootings, about 600 people killed in the last 12 months. They don't have time for street riots, protest marches, cross burnings, mosque and synagogue trashings they are too busy wiping each other out.


What part of the US are you talking about and where are the street riots, protest marches, cross burnings, mosque and synagogue trashings ? Cos maybe I'm missing all this on the news media


It would appear that you are watching the wrong channel's news programmes



Riots; Only last month. Protest marches and riots



Cross burning



Mosque burning Last week



49 pages of attacks on Jews and Mosques since 2000



USA... the land of opportunity

More people unemployed than employed in manufacturing



Again I am not bashing the USA,,,,I don't think they can take much more ,,, I'm just responding to your post and again I am not saying the united kingdom is much better.



Edited by Tommo68
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You picked a good one there. California Dreaming and its not surprising. One of the best climates, one of lowest population densities and one of the 10 richest states in the US typical income $60.OOO per annum, great beach on the pacific ocean. I amagine the biggest problems there are earthquakes and the mosquitos. Not exactly a contravertial politcal hot bed.


Then you look at LA the street gang capitol of America. Over 1000 gangs with over 100, 000 members, daily drive by shootings, about 600 people killed in the last 12 months. They don't have time for street riots, protest marches, cross burnings, mosque and synagogue trashings they are too busy wiping each other out.




It would appear that you are watching the wrong channel's news programmes



Riots; Only last month. Protest marches and riots



Cross burning



Mosque burning Last week



49 pages of attacks on Jews and Mosques since 2000



USA... the land of opportunity

More people unemployed than employed in manufacturing



Again I am not bashing the USA,,,,I don't think they can take much more ,,, I'm just responding to your post and again I am not saying the united kingdom is much better.




You forgot to mention the beautiful girls and women. There are quite a lot of fat chicks of all colors but in California those who are beautiful are truly awesome and all different types and plenty of them too.


I wouldn't swop where I live for anywhere else. Some parts of the year you can go skiing in the mountains in the mornings and surf in the afternoon. All within a couple of hours drive from each other.


I don't mind much what goes on in L.A. I don't live there. It was certainly never my favorite city. It's just a mass of skyscrapers which you pass thru on the freeways to the beaches, nothing more as far as I"m concerned.


The quakes and mosquitoes are a very fair exchange from hurricanes, tornados, blizzards and floods elsewhere so a little shaker now and again might just cause some mini tidal waves in my outdoor pool while I sit sipping a Jim Beam on ice but they've passed sometimes before you realize it. "Did you just knock against my chair"? I ask my wife. "No" she says "i think it was a temblor. Just go back to your afternoon nap" As for the bugs... this place is tame as far as bugs are concerned .You aint seen nothing that compares to south-east asia and for that matter up in eastern Canada in summer.


I made my little pile in construction so now jobs are a thing of the past. Every day is a Sunday for me :D


So if you're trying to bring me news of dismay you're wasting your time :hihi:


This morning I played nine holes of golf and the temp right now around 80 F. sunny with a nice little breeze


How's your weather over there ? :hihi:

Edited by Harleyman
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You forgot to mention the beautiful girls and women. There are quite a lot of fat chicks of all colors but in California those who are beautiful are truly awesome and all different types and plenty of them too.


I wouldn't swop where I live for anywhere else. Some parts of the year you can go skiing in the mountains in the mornings and surf in the afternoon. All within a couple of hours drive from each other.


I don't mind much what goes on in L.A. I don't live there. It was certainly never my favorite city. It's just a mass of skyscrapers which you pass thru on the freeways to the beaches, nothing more as far as I"m concerned.




Surfin in Cleethorpes is only one hour away, when we had a ski village that was only i5 mins away before it got burnt down, plus we got the best looking birds in the world, I wouldn't swap where I live for anywhere in the world, we literally have the Full Monty. Read it and Weep Harleyman.:clap:

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Surfin in Cleethorpes is only one hour away, when we had a ski village that was only i5 mins away before it got burnt down, plus we got the best looking birds in the world, I wouldn't swap where I live for anywhere in the world, we literally have the Full Monty. Read it and Weep Harleyman.:clap:


:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Best looking birds :hihi: We get Blue Jays and doves in our back garden now and then and if you're up in the mountains bald eagles.

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So your personal situation is good - so is mine.


But that doesn't mean the whole country is okay.


"I'm okay jack"

"Might is right"

"Survival of the fittest"

"My country right or wrong"


I believe this is the credo of the USA.

In my opinion it is backward, selfish and promotes unrestrained capitalism.

I don't share this attitude.

I believe that the human race can do better than this.


So much of the (Scottish) Political debate was/is about personal gain.

I welcome the realism of Vince Cable although I don't support his wishy washy party.

Edited by Flanker7
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So your personal situation is good - so is mine.


But that doesn't mean the whole country is okay.


"I'm okay jack"

"Might is right"

"Survival of the fittest"

"My country right or wrong"


I believe this is the credo of the USA.

In my opinion it is backward, selfish and promotes unrestrained capitalism.

I don't share this attitude.

I believe that the human race can do better than this.


So much of the (Scottish) Political debate was/is about personal gain.

I welcome the realism of Vince Cable although I don't support his wishy washy party.


I didn't say the " country was okay" Like just about every other country in the world the US has it's share of problems. Also for too long it's been in the unenviable position of being the protector of the free world.


Criticize it's actions in that capacity if you will but just look at what could have happened otherwise since 1914 had the US never ever involved itself in world affairs

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. . . . . . . . Also for too long it's been in the unenviable position of being the protector of the free world.


Criticize it's actions in that capacity if you will but just look at what could have happened otherwise since 1914 had the US never ever involved itself in world affairs


God save us from the protector of the free world! - Typical of the arrogance that earns them the title most hated nation.

I'm so glad you put that word 'could' in. I suppose the rest of the world did nothing. WW1 was between 'free world' countries fighting over their respective empires and the U.S. timed their entrance to perfection, in 1917. WW2 - the US was forced into it by the attack on Pearl Harbour in 1942. You talk as if the US got involved out of the goodness of their heart - not a bit of it, it was self interest.


To quote the US Foreign Secretary "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves.

Henry A. Kissinger


.................................so much for democracy! from the defender of the free world.


Just to get back to the subject - The UK government held votes for the Northern Irish and the Scottish to decide for themselves if they wanted to stay in the UK - Thats democracy

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