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Scottish Independence

A wee question of Scottish independence  

213 members have voted

  1. 1. A wee question of Scottish independence

    • I'm Scottish and I vote "YES", we should self-govern
    • I'm Scottish and I vote "NO", we should stay in the UK
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "YES", let them go
    • I'm English, Welsh or Irish, and I vote "NO", keep them in

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God save us from the protector of the free world! - Typical of the arrogance that earns them the title most hated nation.

I'm so glad you put that word 'could' in. I suppose the rest of the world did nothing. WW1 was between 'free world' countries fighting over their respective empires and the U.S. timed their entrance to perfection, in 1917. WW2 - the US was forced into it by the attack on Pearl Harbour in 1942. You talk as if the US got involved out of the goodness of their heart - not a bit of it, it was self interest.


To quote the US Foreign Secretary "I don't see why we need to stand by and watch a country go communist due to the irresponsibility of its people. The issues are much too important for the Chilean voters to be left to decide for themselves.

Henry A. Kissinger


.................................so much for democracy! from the defender of the free world.


Just to get back to the subject - The UK government held votes for the Northern Irish and the Scottish to decide for themselves if they wanted to stay in the UK - Thats democracy


I've heard all these kind of rants before so yawn sorry for you cos you have nothing of substance to contribute in reply to my comment in the last paragraph. You had me fooled for a short time though. I thought there was some spark of original thinking in your first post


Re Scotland.... Yes democracy it was but I'll bet Cameron, the Conservative Govt and the Queen were messing their underwear all the way up to the day the referendum was held. :D


It wasn't what anybody could describe as a big decisive vote to stay in the UK either... something like 55 for to 45 against. That leaves open the possibility that sometime in the distant future Scotland might just make another run for independence. Salmond's assurances that the Scottish economy could sustain itself on oil and booze exports sounded to me a little naïve but the Scots are clever people Half the brain power in the UK always originated up there even though the population is only around 5 million.


If the London Govt stick to their word and lessen the big government philosophy of totally running the UK and give Scotland a lot more say in their economy and how they run their business and domestic affairs that country could really move ahead through foreign investment and foreign trade agreements. Another Celtic Tiger in the making


As for Northern Ireland...:hihi: That's a little like a miniature Iraq within the UK. All about history, religious differences and other tripe completely irrelevant to the modern world


So there you have it matey... all of it :D:thumbsup:

Edited by Harleyman
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My last on this:-


Not a word about the 'Defender of the free world' - good call!


Celtic Tiger's - all ended up in the do-da because of the crash.


Justifying everything through profit potential.


Your remarks re: The Queen and Tory's having toilet problem - please don't do that again.


Please don't try to lecture us on foreign policy - over half of your citizens don't even have a passport let alone used them.

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My last on this:-


Not a word about the 'Defender of the free world' - good call!


Celtic Tiger's - all ended up in the do-da because of the crash.


Justifying everything through profit potential.


Your remarks re: The Queen and Tory's having toilet problem - please don't do that again.


Please don't try to lecture us on foreign policy - over half of your citizens don't even have a passport let alone used them.[/QUOTE]


:hihi::hihi: What's that got to do with anything? If all people in the UK had your attitude to the US no Americans would bother going there anyway.


Actually I'm quite sure that the Queen and Cameron being human beings do have a toilet problem now and again as do we all :D


Here's why the US is a good place to be these days:


We are not at war with Canada or Mexico, nor any other country in the South American Hemisphere. There is no civil war going on either. Peace reigns supreme across the land.



Compare this to the Arab world which is devouring itself like a rabid, mad dog


Africa where Ebola will wipe out a few hundred thousand before thy find a cure and of course the terrorist groups and civil wars are taking their tolls also


Then you have eastern Europe... right on your door step. A potential hot spot for a war between Russia and Ukraine which will affect the rest of Europe in no small way. And who will they call for help? Uncle Sam as always.


You don't like the idea of anyone making a profit? Evil is it? Sooner sit on your back side and let Auntie Government give you free handouts? That's when a person loses all respect for himself..... born loser also.


That's my last word. So long and don't let the door hit your backside on the way out

Edited by Harleyman
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I wonder why I'm able to climb into my car and go south 1200 miles to visit family in Florida without being bothered in any way. Or if the fancy takes me over to Seattle for a bit of crab or a run up to Vancouver BC for some Canadian bacon. Our waitresses love us, maybe for the tips they get and deserve, but they serve us with a smile and a joke. I don't remember when or if I ever got that back home. Sure I don't live in the inner city anywhere, but the Apple is only an hour and a half away by car or train, and dear old London is not a patch on it. So rant on folks, you're probably better off without me, cos I ain't coming back.

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