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Child beating dad questions

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Looking at posts 6 and 13, you need legal help, rather than forum help (not that forum help is bad), but they both get into legal technicalities with regards to homelessness that only an expert in this field can deal with. These posts also are little to do with your opening question either. You are looking at different legal matters here.

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I had a similar situation. Not as long as 30 years though. I went to the police with the advice of a counsellor. The police interviewed him and then phoned me up and said they werent pursuing it any longer for 2 reasons 1) my step dad had told them i was being racist 2) laws about hitting children were different in them days to now!!


The racist thing shocked me. My stepdad is black, im white, he pulled the race card to get out of the situation! It worked! Copper basically made me feel like i had wasted his time! Now thats a ******! He also said i was lucky my step dad wasnt pursuing because of a racism verbal attack. I never had but HATE anyone no matter what colour pulling the racist card! Made me want to verbally attack him thats for sure! Coward he was!


I had all the evidence in the world, a social services document to say e bruised my eye and thats why i got moved into the care of my dad at 14 and photos.


So basically all reporting it did was drag up a past which was painful for me, lose faith in the police for them choosing to believe someone just because they pulled the race card and lose faith in whats actually right or wrong!


I regret it in that only i suffered all over again but im proud as no matter how much he got away with it AGAIN that i was strong enough to do it. However unless im desperate i will never trust a police officer again!


So my advice would be, think of what would happen if things didnt go your way? Would the rest of your family stick with your dad or believe you? Would you end up homeless and alone? Would bringing it all back up in detail just cause more pain to yourself?


Also personally i would move out asap, you sound mature enough to run a little flat on your own. Or move in with another family member.


Hope ive helped. Its a sad world we live in where victims especially child victims arent given proper care BUT as i learnt, re-living the past might not get you anywhere, look to the future and be in charge of your own life, get in a good place, look back for 1 minute and think 'f you! You didnt ruin me, you made me stronger'!!!! Then carry on living your life the best you can! Dont let him win all over again!

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