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Growing Old - Your Feelings?

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Both my parents died in their 60th year. I have just found out that I am being taken to see War Horse in London in March on my 70th birthday, with 2 nights in one of the hotels where I used to work.......I really don't feel much different to what I've always felt......ok my body might give me a quick reminder now and again that it can't do what my brain thinks it can but......mainly it's other peoples attitudes to me cos they THINK I'm old that bothers me more than anything. Even if I WAS old, I'm still me.

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Life passing you by, you are not the spring chicken you once were. Your once youthful spring is more of an ache ridden shuffle. You are losing things at an alarming rate, be it teeth, hair or marbles. Welcome to getting old!


Seriously, what do you feel about getting old?


Dont matter what you feel. You just get old anyway like it or not and there's nothing to be done about it. I am however thankful that I've just passed my 3 score and ten and am still extremely well and healthy along with it.

Remember also, only the fortunate ones live to be old.

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I'll be 70 next November Joan and I, too, dont feel much different. I just wish I looked young as I feel. I would like another 69 years but all I can do is cram as much enjoyment as I can into the time I have left. My Dad lived to 92 so I'm hoping.

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I'm not afraid of getting old at all, every birthday that comes around I'm grateful for getting there as I know plenty of people who tragically didn't.


As long as I can look back at my life and know that I have had fun, not regretted anything and more importantly done everything I wanted thn I will die happy.

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Well so far it's not been too bad at all, but then I'm a mere youngster in the world of the oldies at 59.


I do wonder how it happened so fast until I realised it was the years between 35 and 50 that did it. At 35 I could kid myself I was one of the younger generation, but a mere 15 years later I was 50 and heading into old age! And that 15 years happened to be the busiest of my life, looking after a young family, a home, and working full time - so it simply flew by without me realising.


Things have calmed down a bit now and I've happily come to terms with it. I don't feel any different on the inside. I'm just a wiser and much more confident 25 year old really, but the body has aged on the outside, and that takes a bit of getting used to. I keep thinking I must be coming down with something rather than realising it's actually age catching up.


I have enjoyed every age I've been, and I hope that will continue.

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