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Growing Old - Your Feelings?

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Life passing you by, you are not the spring chicken you once were. Your once youthful spring is more of an ache ridden shuffle. You are losing things at an alarming rate, be it teeth, hair or marbles. Welcome to getting old!


Seriously, what do you feel about getting old?


Bloody hell dude, you're only 34ish. Wait until you get another 10-15 years on your back

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My husband was just saying the other day, when did we get old. We are both in our sixties now, but to be honest, I never think of us as being that old.

When my parents were in their fifties they were 'old' if you know what I mean, but now, I still wear jeans and trainers, don't think I ought to change. The only problems is like others have mentioned, the body doesn't work as well as it used to, but the mind is still ok.

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I'm with Joan, I agree with everything she said. I'm just 68, luckily I don't have aches and pains to remind me, so in my head I don't feel as though I've left my 40s meanwhile our 3 kids are in their late 40s. My hubby will say things like well we've probably got 10 years left at the most, he frightens me to death when he does that. Yes it's true but you shouldn't even let it enter your head about getting old or how many years you might have left. Mum lived till she was almost 94 so I thought we should have a good innings, but sadly my sister died the year after from cancer and she was just 70. So friends enjoy each day as it comes and don't dwell on age and death. Like Joan said we're still the same and think the same on the inside, it's just the outside the looks older.

This is an excellent thread BTW AO. :)

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I think I started to get old at 60. I was always raring to go, but had an accident that year and hurt my knee which led on to arthritis and left me with pain and a limp. Because of this, I slowed down, put on more weight, got depressed, my hair's gone salt and pepper and in the last three years, in my own eyes, I've turned into a real old crone!


I'm 65 on Thursday and I'm not even going out for a drink, first time ever. Bad times! People who think they're old in their thirties are insane. You've got years of fun ahead, just make the most of it. Life never really lives up to the hype once you get past your teens, sadly, but you can still enjoy it.


Oh, and just in case I haven't made myself clear, growing old - vastly overrated and I'd hate it, except that the alternative is worse! :help:

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I think I started to get old at 60. I was always raring to go, but had an accident that year and hurt my knee which led on to arthritis and left me with pain and a limp. Because of this, I slowed down, put on more weight, got depressed, my hair's gone salt and pepper and in the last three years, in my own eyes, I've turned into a real old crone!


I'm 65 on Thursday and I'm not even going out for a drink, first time ever. Bad times! People who think they're old in their thirties are insane. You've got years of fun ahead, just make the most of it. Life never really lives up to the hype once you get past your teens, sadly, but you can still enjoy it.


Oh, and just in case I haven't made myself clear, growing old - vastly overrated and I'd hate it, except that the alternative is worse! :help:


Just in case we all forget....Happy Birthday on the day!

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When someone picks up the flesh on your hand to see if it is still elastic (thankfully it was and is) I started to notice how many people are sooo age conscious - my mother used to pick up a paper and get annoyed at why every time someone's name was mentioned there was their age alongside it - lol - I would avoid anyone who is too age conscious as they seem negative and need to lighten up, ain't nothing we can do about it - everyone is ageing.


I would put off surgery if it meant I was going to attract much younger men - well, emphasis on the 'much'

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Think old grow old,try to keep doing the things you always did maybe a little slower but keep going.I try to do this every day the one thing that I do not do is repair cars after 50yrs of working in all weathers and no heating and listening to every fairy tale ever invented believe me,I am very good at walking away very quickly when anyone starts talking cars.I am 70 now and still ride a Harley,got all my own hair a lot grey now,most of my teeth those that the Harley havn't shook out that is.I do have arthritis in my back but try to ignore it.Don't forget that the Doctors waiting room is the most unhealthy place you can ever be in!

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I'm extremely frightened of getting old. For me though, it's the appearance part that scares me. I've just turned 27 and life seems to have started accelerating. I don't want wrinkles and grey hair. You start realising how you have taken your youth for granted and wondering how it could have gone so quickly. I would like to be relaxed about getting old but I'm not and I know as the years go by it will only get worse. Is there anything to look forward to about it?



Well erm, NO. Oh, you can stay in bed as long as you want.



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