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Growing Old - Your Feelings?

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What about the milestones that we pass along the way?


18 and being legally old enough to buy a pint

21 and getting ****** at Blackpool

Passing my driving Test

Getting married

Becoming a dad

Paying mortgage off

Going on a cruise

Silver wedding anniversary

Realising you are old enough for a Saga holiday rather than a 18 /30 one

Becoming a Grandad

Looking at funeral plan leaflets / life insurance plans.


So what comes next, other than retirement and a bus pass what other milestones lay ahead?



Dementia, retirement homes and erm, bed baths :D

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A couple of my favourite quotes on old age from George Burns:



"First you forget names, then you forget faces. Next you forget to pull your zipper up and finally, you forget to pull it down."


“I can't understand why I flunked American history. When I was a kid there was so little of it.”

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  • 4 weeks later...

Just think, in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years time, growing old won't be an issue. It matters not how long it takes for that time to arrive, it will arrive and is therefore as good as here. What will be of all this around us?

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Just think, in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 years time, growing old won't be an issue. It matters not how long it takes for that time to arrive, it will arrive and is therefore as good as here. What will be of all this around us?



That's about a hundred trillion times longer than the lifetime of the sun. So not very much - and where is here?


Life passing you by, you are not the spring chicken you once were. Your once youthful spring is more of an ache ridden shuffle. You are losing things at an alarming rate, be it teeth, hair or marbles. Welcome to getting old!


Seriously, what do you feel about getting old?



Loving it. Had kids, so I could get run over by a bus tomorrow and be happy. I've discharged my duty, so to speak. Anything else is a bonus.

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Absolutely love being able to have a night out with my "kids" now they old enough!Nice to hear their mates big up as their's are pipe 'n' slippers.Great my kids mates take the time to say hello.Impressed I have kids who appreciate music and not just media controlled.Bad side,mirrors!They do tend to remind you the outside is quite a bit different to how you perceive yourself,but I ain't ready to curl up 'n die just yet!46 tomorrow,a grandad and still living life!Having another stab at it with a 6yr old son keeps me young/makes me feel old!Life's what you make it.Growing old is inevitable,growing up is not! ;)

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