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Naughty naughty people.

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They're just small-minded religious bigots. Hopefully they'll get sent down for what they did (if it's true) and learn a lesson. I doubt they will learn anything though even if they're imprisoned but at least they'll be off the streets for a while and not terrorising anyone else.

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Lets hope they get the book thrown at them.


As the Hope Not Hate blog says


"Homophobia is a hate crime and attacks against gays, lesbians and bisexuals have been ignored for too long. While the five men are pleading not guilty let us hope that this case is the start of greater action against this form of hatred and intolerance"

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Well it will be nice to see the forum racists come out [in support of the LGBT community] or some heads imploding in cognitive dissonance.


For chrissake don't use words like congnitive dissonance or the EDL won't know you mean them. The EDL does have a gay section. The EDL also asked an Israeli rabbi to address a London rally when said rabbi said it was right for God to say that homosexuals should be killed. God, the rabbi and these Muslims maybe should get together.


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Muslims being Muslims sadly.


They don't seem to be happy unless they're terrorising someone. Be they a different religion, gender, tribe etc etc.


Islam breeds hatred and intolerance.


No, it's religious fundamentalists being religious fundamentalists and breeding hatred and intolerance.


These nutters are no more representative of Islam that the Westboro Baptist Church is representative of Christians.



Just like ultraorthodox Haredim aren't representative of Jews.



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