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Naughty naughty people.

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I always find it interesting that people with extreme religious beliefs, whatever religion they purport to believe in - not just the guys in the article other religions have zealots as well, think that "going to hell" and suffering an eternity of torment for whatever sins they say you have committed isn't enough for them


they think you need punishment in this life as well, preferably at their merciful hands, after all they will be doing this for your own good won't they, so it must be a mercy


apparently an eternity of demons flaying you, ripping you to bits, burning you and a thousand and one other ways of tormenting souls for the young demon about hell, all of which magically and instantly heals so it can be repeated endlessly and unceasingly to prolong the agony of the tormented


well this just isn't sufficient punishment for the sin of falling in love with the wrong person in their eyes


you need to be persecuted and ridiculed and beaten and strung up from lamp posts and have burning tyres hung round your neck and put in gas chambers or furnaces and a thousand and one other ways of tormenting and killing a living breathing human being for the young religious zealot about town


a living breathing human being who did nothing other than fall in love with the wrong person, in their opinion


it shows a distinct lack of faith, in my opinion


it's almost as if they don't actually believe in the eternal torment for the damned and need to make sure some punishment gets handed out, just in case there isn't any actual eternal torment and it's all just made up words spouted by some long dead priest with an agenda and a bigoted view of the world that has been sustained by like minded bigots ever since


not to mention it demonstrates a certain amount of arrogance in thinking their own judgement in handing out retribution is superior than that of whichever god they worship


but I guess that as long as whichever god it is is too busy doing the dishes or whatever to actually come and tell the zealot they have it wrong, despite the omniscient and omnipresent aspect that gods tend to have, then the zealot will continue to assume they are in the right and the vendors of rope and tyres will continue to make a profit


funny old world innit

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