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Ron Paul comes second in American Primaries

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Yes - hand wave away all opposition as trolls.


Some people don't buy into your tax cuts and welfare cuts that don't benefit the working class.


What exactly will Romney or Obama do to reduce the deficit then?


Oh that's right they'll just hand wave it away and keep borrowing like there are no consequences.

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He wants to abolish the Fed. The real source of ALL the problems we face today. That's all you need to know.


And how will that help the working class? Please explain.


C'mon you've nailed colours to the mast of a right wing racist toe rag and are trying your best to squirm out of it.

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So you didn't even look at the link in my last thread. And I'm to take your views seriously. And he is close to the John Birch Society (I take it you've heard of them).


Like you can't understand how tax cuts and welfare cuts will benefit the well off at the expense of the working class.


Some of you will buy into anybody who makes the right noises about bankers.




I couldn't care less if you take my views seriously. I certainly don't take yours seriously. No I will not read your link.


I have been a Ron Paul supporter since the late 90's when I first heard him talking about abolishing the fed. Surprisingly his views haven't changed since then which marks him out as an HONEST politician, unlike almost all the rest. That counts for a lot.

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Are you simply not very well informed, or are you merely simple-minded?


What are you talking about now? I don't understand what your argument is? Are you saying Obama hasn't expanded the war in to Pakistan, Yemen and Libya? Are you saying he isn't about to invade Iran or Syria?


What exactly is your point?

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I couldn't care less if you take my views seriously. I certainly don't take yours seriously. No I will not read your link.


I have been a Ron Paul supporter since the late 90's when I first heard him talking about abolishing the fed. Surprisingly his views haven't changed since then which marks him out as an HONEST politician, unlike almost all the rest. That counts for a lot.


So you don't care that Ron Paul has endorsed racists.


You don't care that he has spoken up for the John Birch society.


You don't care he will cut taxes that will benefit the better off.


You don't care if he will cut welfare for the less well off.


You don't care do you?


What was this about you being part of the 99% :huh:

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It's interesting (to me, anyway) that Dennis Kucinich once said that if he had to choose a running mate from the GOP, he would choose Ron Paul. This is a guy who believes in a national health service, a minimum wage and all manner of state intervention.


Why? Because libertarians "meet around the back" on a lot of issues. A lot of what Paul says will appeal to those who would otherwise be considered on the left, because some issues transcend left-right dogma, i.e. the issue of liberty, whether it be positive or negative liberty, i.e. military interventionism, corporatism, cronyism, bailing out failed institutions rather than the people directly affected...


Americans could do a lot worse than Ron Paul, and considering that their halls of government have become little more than a mass orgy of Madison Avenue salesmen and Wall Street whores, perhaps it's time to shake things up.

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So you don't care that Ron Paul has endorsed racists.


You don't care that he has spoken up for the John Birch society.


You don't care he will cut taxes that will benefit the better off.


You don't care if he will cut welfare for the less well off.


You don't care do you?


What was this about you being part of the 99% :huh:


You don't care about Obama repealing the rule of law with the NDAA.


You don't care about repealing freedom of speech with SOPA.


You don't care about him defending (and giving vast amounts of money to) Goldman Sachs and Wall St.


You don't care about him asserting the right to execute whoever he likes whenever he likes.


You don't care about him violating the sovereignty of Libya and taking the country to war without congressional oversight.


You don't care about him endorsing torture.


You don't care about him invading Iran and risking millions of lives and even all out nuclear war with the Chinese.


You don't care about the fed printing money out of thin air when you and I have to work for it.


You don't care about the company Obama keeps with the Kato Institute, the CFR, the Trillateral Commision, the Business Roundtable, The bilderbergs, The institute for Ecconomic Affairs, Stratfor, etc...


You've some need to talk about Ron Paul keeping bad company!


Your raking up a non-issue to bad mouth Ron Paul when really you should look at Obama and the existing establishment. Yes I'm against racism but I'm against all of the above more.


How you can endorse a president who signed the NDAA act and the end of freedom astounds me.

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