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Ron Paul comes second in American Primaries

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Here is another solution for your housing related reason for imperialism (Imperialism means having bases everywhere Rupert).


You take the $708 billion dollar defense budget for 2012, shave off that extra $8 billion to make it a nice round $700 billion, then use that $8 billion dollars you saved to build 70,000 new homes at $114 286 per home.


BTW $8 billion might sound like a lot but really it's a lot less than 1/300th of a banking sector bailout. In terms of military hardware, it's only about the same as six B2-Spirit bombers (minus research and development of course).


It's funny, these generals can find ingenious ways of selling drugs and weapons to gangsters in order to finance black ops outside the pentagon budget and beyond congressional oversight, but as soon as you ask them to rehouse 70,000 soldiers, all of a sudden it's impossible and simply can't be done in a timely fashion.


I think you should try and remember Rupert, Many of these generals and politicians are ruthless murdering sadists. They actually like hurting people. When you tell them they can't do it anymore they try and resist you and try and to make excuses to carry on.


Excuses like..."but all those soldiers will lose their jobs".....or....."we simply don't have the housing stock to bring all the troops home" and stuff like that. Next they'll be telling you they can't find them and that their dog ate the map with all the base locations on or some other such nonsense.


Really it's all just fibs so they can carry on playing their big game of Risk with real soldiers and real countries and stuff.

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I wonder if this person knows that they've been posting on a forum in England?


I am right here thanks. No need to talk about me like I'm in America or something. You can ask me questions directly.


....and yes of course I know where I am posting. I also know where Mitt Romney's company HQ is based.




Like I'm going to give out my real address.

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Nope, he's the guy who opposes abortion for rape victims and compares gay partnerships to polygamy.




He's pretty good on drugs.


So to speak.


Ron Paul on abortion.



He talks a lot of sense does Ron, I like him a lot.


Watch him in this debate-


And talking about the banks


I wish we had someone like him running for PM

I think he would be JFK'd before the powers that be let him be president.

Shame he's not 10 years younger.

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Hey...I might be missing something about the NDAA and torture too.


If you can point me in the direction of something that justifies the indefinite detention of American citizens without trial and shows why it's a good thing, I would appreciate that insight too.


Any of you propaganda agents on here, care to answer that?


Cheers Runnybabbit, it's great to see 'em get their ass kicked.

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You're quite right. I put it badly.


But my main point was the lack of positive mainstream media coverage for this candidate, which I think says a lot about media manipulation.


He didn't go unnoticed by RT though. Nor did the fact the main media were trying to ignore him.


"It’s not a matter of falling short of first place by barely 150 votes, however. Despite placing second among all of the Republicans vying for the GOP nomination, the mainstream media has neglected to notice that Congressman Paul came only a fraction of a percentage below Michele Bachmann over the weekend. Instead, the top news outlets are focusing on what they are calling a “top tier” of candidates.

Those “top tier” candidates being praised by the mainstream, however, took a backseat to Paul’s second place win over the weekend. During the Ames Straw Poll, Congressman Paul fell short of Bachmann’s first place victory by a mere 152 votes, statistically placing him in a tie with the Minnesota congresswoman."



Now they have had to take notice, they have started the propaganda war against him.

That right Longcol? Or were RT lying, and Ron is a Russian spy? You did say Russians can't be trusted.

Seems a bit racist to me but...

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Hey peeps,


I just got back from reading http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_Birch_Society


I admit I don't know everything and I had never heard of this group until just now.


If this is the best the anti Ron Paul crowd can do to bad mouth him they are barking up completely the wrong tree. I can fully understand why he might support the John Birch Society. It seems many of their ideas (certainly not all) are quite similar to mine. They are the same kind of ideas that got me supporting Ron Paul in the first place.


I don't agree with all the anti socialist rhetoric and I am slightly more in favor of wealth redistribution than these guys but I completely understand the arguments these people are making. I have those same disagreements with Ron Paul himself but I still know an honest politician when I see one.


I consider myself to be a socialist yet I am drawn to this "ultra right wing" and ardently "anti communist" group because a lot of what they seem to be saying makes sense to me. As it is with Ron Paul.


I couldn't find anything in the wikipedia page about them being racist other than their opposition to the Civil Rights Act of 1964, claiming it violated the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution, which it does.


Am I missing something?


According to the article one of the founders of the John Birch Society said....


"both the U.S. and Soviet governments are controlled by the same furtive conspiratorial cabal of internationalists, greedy bankers, and corrupt politicians. If left unexposed, the traitors inside the U.S. government would betray the country's sovereignty to the United Nations for a collectivist New World Order, managed by a 'one-world socialist government."


Yup....That about sums up my understanding of the situation too.


It is also that kind of reasoning that gets you blacklisted and branded racist in the traitor controlled media too.


Please can somebody tell me what I'm missing here? Is one of the founders of this group a pedophile or something? What exactly is your problem with this society Longcol? Can you point me in the direction of something they have said or done that makes them so unacceptable to you. Something racist perhaps?


There may indeed be something but I haven't seen it yet. Wikipedia is usually quite thorough about such things. I am prepared to stand corrected on this as so far I have only read the single wiki page but from what I can tell there is nothing surprising about Ron Paul's support for this group. It certainly doesn't change anything for me.


You live in the United States and have never heard of the John Birch Society until now ? :huh::suspect:

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