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Ron Paul comes second in American Primaries

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Stop trying to figure me out. Listen to what I say instead. It's very arrogant to assume you can figure me out, then put me in a pidgin hole and dump everything I say in to that hole with me.


I agree with some of Ron Paul's policies. Not everything comes down to the false left/right paradigm. Just because people are right about some things, doesn't mean they are right about everything.


Paul is a conservative and a member of the republican party. If he ran as an independent he would get nowhere as you full well know. The system is rigged to ensure only the two main parties (the two pro-business parties) have any chance.


Paul is a Libertarian in Republican clothing. He knows that if he ran under the Libertarian ticket he'd get nowhere.


Neither the Republicans nor Democrats however find him palatable. In fact I reckon he's a bit of an embarrasment to the GOP if the truth were known but the GOP have their fair share of embarrasments already what with the far right Evangelicals and the Tea Party chimps who (doing a huge reality check) are so far removed from mainstream America that they'd need the Columbia space shuttle to get anywhere close :hihi:


If by some weird twist of fate Ron Paul were ever to get to the White House he would be a President in a far worse situation than Obama ever was or would be. Neither the GOP nor Democrats would be willing to work with him on any major legislation as his idealogy clashes with both parties.


A President can do very little if the majority in Congress are dead set against him as Obama has learned from trying to work with the Tea Party GOP members. Ron Paul by comparison would make Obama look like that old wheeler dealer Lyndon Johnson :D

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Leary dwarfs the man intellectually, even if he did balls up the one single moment in history where there might actually have been a limited revolution in human consciousness. But because he was a self aggrandizing arrogant prick, he blew it.


But he could out-think Ron Paul the way you and I out-think a dog.


Nevertheless I agree with you re:Ron Paul. Even if his admittedly large cohort of freak supporters (and I speak as a card carrying freak) manage to catapult him from nowhere to leading contender and say an outright win on Super Tuesday, there will be a ton of Republicans who simply won't vote for him when it comes to Presidential elections.


Even if he does snag Andrew Napolitano for a running mate.



Never a truer word spoken

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.... what with the far right Evangelicals and the Tea Party chimps who (doing a huge reality check) are so far removed from mainstream America that they'd need the Columbia space shuttle to get anywhere close :hihi:


That would be difficult as Columbia crashed and burned nearly 10 years ago over Texas. However as Ron Paul's campaign is soon going to do the same then he won't need Columbia.

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What are you talking about now? I don't understand what your argument is? Are you saying Obama hasn't expanded the war in to Pakistan, Yemen and Libya? Are you saying he isn't about to invade Iran or Syria?


What exactly is your point?


The Taleban dont know or care about international borders. They mean nothing to these hill warriors. They come and go between Pakistan and Afghanistan as easily as I come and go between California and Oregon thus it necessitates action against Taleban leaders who take refuge in Afghanistan yet by their actions commit terror tactics against the Aghan government and also the people.


As for Libya havent you heard of the Arab Spring? The US, UK and France at the request of the United Nations which in turn were requested by the Arab League took part in aiding Libyans to rid themselves of the dictator Ghadaffi.


Do you think the United Nations is an illegal organisation? But hold it.... maybe Ron Paul does :hihi:


What proof do you have that Obama intends to invade Iran and Syria or is that Ron Paul speaking again?


The only liklehood of any clash between Iran and the US/NATO would be if Iran blockaded the Straits of Hormuz and as far as Syria is concerned the Arab League are involving themselves in attempting to find a solution and bring Assad and the dissidents to a meeting of the minds.


You really are far out in left field most of the time

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ridiculous thread. Romney is going to run away with the nomination. Of course the media will try to make out that there is or will be some sort of contest when there simply won't be, to maintain interest and sales. Paul is far too old to even get a job in a Romney administration whatever impression he makes in his campaign, even in the unlikely event Romney does become President 12 months from now.

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Ron Paul is a weird one, he's a libertarian when it comes to the federal governments power over the individual but when it comes to state governments he seems to have no problems with them violating peoples basic rights in all manner of way.


Personally I don't see what difference it makes to the individuals concerned whether it's the state or federal government violating their human rights but to Ron Paul at least the distinction seems to be of profound importance.

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We are talking about Ron Paul. Not people who endorse him. Please stay on topic.

How about the people



TNR Exclusive: A Collection of Ron Paul’s Most Incendiary Newsletters


For years, Ron Paul published a series of newsletters that dispensed political news and investment advice, but also routinely indulged in bigotry. Here's a selection of some especially inflammatory passages, with links to scanned images of the original documents in which they appeared.




“A Special Issue on Racial Terrorism” analyzes the Los Angeles riots of 1992: “Order was only restored in L.A. when it came time for the blacks to pick up their welfare checks three days after rioting began. ... What if the checks had never arrived? No doubt the blacks would have fully privatized the welfare state through continued looting. But they were paid off and the violence subsided.”


The November 1990 issue of the Political Report had kind words for David Duke.


This December 1990 newsletter describes Martin Luther King Jr. as “a world-class adulterer” who “seduced underage girls and boys” and “replaced the evil of forced segregation with the evil of forced integration.”


A February 1991 newsletter attacks “The X-Rated Martin Luther King.”


An October 1990 edition of the Political Report ridicules black activists, led by Al Sharpton, for demonstrating at the Statue of Liberty in favor of renaming New York City after Martin Luther King. The newsletter suggests that “Welfaria,” “Zooville,” “Rapetown,” “Dirtburg,”and “Lazyopolis ” would be better alternatives—and says, “Next time, hold that demonstration at a food stamp bureau or a crack house.”


A May 1990 issue of the Ron Paul Political Report cites Jared Taylor, who six months later would go onto found the eugenicist and white supremacist periodical American Renaissance.


The January 1993 issue of the Survival Report worries about America’s “disappearing white majority.”


The July 1992 Ron Paul Political Report declares, “Jury verdicts, basketball games, and even music are enough to set off black rage, it seems,” and defends David Duke. The author of the newsletter—presumably Paul—writes, “My youngest son is starting his fourth year in medical school. He tells me there would be no way to persuade his fellow students of the case for economic liberty.”


A March 1993 Survival Report describes Bill Clinton’s supposedly “illegitimate children, black and white: ‘woods colts’ in backwoods slang.”

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Never heard of Ron Paul?


Well it's not surprising as he has been deliberately ignored by the American media and if mentioned at all dismissed as a crank, but in spite of that he's managed to come second.


Why? because the guy talks sense and tells it as it is. He's not one of your highly groomed, gleaming white teeth, media savy, all American puppets, but his own man, and the American bankers hate him.


His support comes almost entirely from internet campaigning as the American networks won't give him the time of day.


Shows how the American machine works and how powerful the internet is.


Look out for the guy (if you can.)


It won't make any difference because the Republicans are as good as out of the race for the Presidency for at least the next 3 terms!:hihi:

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The only Republican who stands a chance of beating Obama will be Romney. Compared to the others he's a moderate.


I consulted my crystal ball this morninhg. Romney will get the nomination but Obama will beat him in 2012. It will be a very close call though. Probably as close as Bush-Gore was

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