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Ron Paul comes second in American Primaries

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I'm no particular supporter of Ron Paul, but I am alarmed that he is in effect, being censored, and once you see it you start looking for it and it becomes even more apparent.


Is it any wonder only certain candidates can win if they are not all given the same chance? Isn't the electorate supposed to decide, not the media?

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I'm no particular supporter of Ron Paul, but I am alarmed that he is in effect, being censored, and once you see it you start looking for it and it becomes even more apparent.



Where is he being censored? See my post on page one of this thread.


He appears to have been on every TV news network in the States, in the papers etc.


Just try googling.

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The only Republican who stands a chance of beating Obama will be Romney. Compared to the others he's a moderate.


I consulted my crystal ball this morninhg. Romney will get the nomination but Obama will beat him in 2012. It will be a very close call though. Probably as close as Bush-Gore was

Which will put the Christian right in a quandary, when faced with a "secret muslim" and an open Mormon, what are they to do?

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Which will put the Christian right in a quandary, when faced with a "secret muslim" and an open Mormon, what are they to do?


The Baptists and the Methodists kicked up a row when John Kennedy became the first Catholic President and no doubt Romney's Mormonism will be used by his opponents sooner or later.

I reckon he'll have to more or less say something along the lines that Kennedy did by stating that the US will be run from the White House and not the Vatican.


How about Romney's version perhaps? "The White House will remain in Washington and not moved to Salt Lake City" :D

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