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Ron Paul comes second in American Primaries

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Americans only vote when they're desperate. Most let their registrations lapse in fear of being chosen for Jury duty.


The Conservatives (theres no real Repubilicans running for president) are running on a homophobic and anti woman platform. They all want to take away gay rights.. Rick Santorum and Ron Paul and are BOTH racists and basically thinks anyone who isn't white doesn't deserve to be in America..


When I vote in November, it will be for Obama. Even though I vote by post, hopefully my vote will count.


Letting your voter registration lapse won't save you. If you own a home, register your vehicle, or drive a car they'll find you when they need warm bodies for jury duty. They want the perspective of different kinds of people, not just those who register to vote. They say they purge the voter rolls, but I got a jury summons from Contra Costa county 10 years after I'd moved out of my parent's house. Death is the only sure excuse. I think you're allowed one postponement and you can write to the court and claim hardship if you really can't serve. But you have to have a damn good reason


We return our ballots by mail occasionally, it's fine. Just allow enough time if you are overseas.

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Based on the lower estimate of numbers eligible to vote, turnout for the 2008 Presidential election was 63%. Based on the higher estimate it was about 61%.


So almost two-fifths did not vote, and that was the highest turnout for decades.



More than a third and less than half the population didn't vote. (My figures indicate that 57% of the voting age population actually voted but I'm not quibbling).


If it's Obama vs Paul, then I suspect plenty of Republicans will withhold their vote.


I'd be delighted if a Jeffersonian libertarian president was elected. But I don't really see the US public going for it.

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Letting your voter registration lapse won't save you. If you own a home, register your vehicle, or drive a car they'll find you when they need warm bodies for jury duty. They want the perspective of different kinds of people, not just those who register to vote. They say they purge the voter rolls, but I got a jury summons from Contra Costa county 10 years after I'd moved out of my parent's house. Death is the only sure excuse. I think you're allowed one postponement and you can write to the court and claim hardship if you really can't serve. But you have to have a damn good reason


We return our ballots by mail occasionally, it's fine. Just allow enough time if you are overseas.

-I- know this, but a lot of people don't and use that as their sad excuse for not voting.


Also, if you live abroad you can't serve (for obvious reasons). I've only ever been sent one summons in the 6+ yrs I've lived outside the US. This was issued to me a couple of years ago at my fathers address (my last place of residence before I moved) and I didnt own a car, property or have a driving license.. It just goes to show how dumb people are.

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-I- know this, but a lot of people don't and use that as their sad excuse for not voting.


Also, if you live abroad you can't serve (for obvious reasons). I've only ever been sent one summons in the 6+ yrs I've lived outside the US. This was issued to me a couple of years ago at my fathers address (my last place of residence before I moved) and I didnt own a car, property or have a driving license.. It just goes to show how dumb people are.


It is sad, isn't it? Jury duty usually isn't that bad. You get a free civics lesson. (for better or worse) Parking is usually the worst part and there's a lot of waiting around. Jury selection can be agonizingly slow, but once the trial gets started it usually goes pretty fast.


That's interesting, they got your name from somewhere. But see what I mean? there's just no escape this side of the grave. :D

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I just watched this pro-Ron Paul short Youtube video AnnaB and I thought you might like it:



Although it's based on US politics it resonates for me with regard to UK politics also and neatly puts across the simplest and most devastating (but still for me, honest), vision of modern western politics and power.

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I just watched this pro-Ron Paul short Youtube video AnnaB and I thought you might like it:



Although it's based on US politics it resonates for me with regard to UK politics also and neatly puts across the simplest and most devastating (but still for me, honest), vision of modern western politics and power.



I like the guy but he wont win because the media and the establishment will not give him much time on air,real shame as all the rest remind me of Blair and Cameron all spin and no substance.

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Never heard of Ron Paul?


Well it's not surprising as he has been deliberately ignored by the American media and if mentioned at all dismissed as a crank, but in spite of that he's managed to come second.


Why? because the guy talks sense and tells it as it is.


Actually Paul came 2nd in A American Primary, the second but not the first where he came third. You didn't mention that. Both were won by Romney, which hardly means that Paul is heading for the White House. In New Hampshire Paul got, I think, 23%. Romney got 39%. This implies that by your definition Romney speaks nearly twice as much sense as Paul but then again my pet goldfish Egbert speaks more sense than Paul. He (Paul not Egbert) wants to abolish income tax as a means of reducing the state. Well it would acheive its purpose but at what cost?


Romney will win the GOP nomination as the least awful of a bunch of right-wing nutters. And then Obama will destroy Romney. As Obama has been a nothing much of a president so far that says a lot about the Republicans.

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It is sad, isn't it? Jury duty usually isn't that bad. You get a free civics lesson. (for better or worse) Parking is usually the worst part and there's a lot of waiting around. Jury selection can be agonizingly slow, but once the trial gets started it usually goes pretty fast.


That's interesting, they got your name from somewhere. But see what I mean? there's just no escape this side of the grave. :D


I've never minded being called fior jury duty. Always found it interesting.

The system works pretty well. I call the Court I've been assigned to once a day for five days. The computer voice tells me if I need to report to the Court or not the following day. After five days if I'm not needed my Jury service is over. If I am called to the Court and they dont put me on a Jury that same day then I'm finished for 2-3 years.


I remember on one occasion when a gent was complaining loudly about the inconvenience of having to do service while we were on our way up to the Jury Assembly room.

A lady asked him if he would expect a jury if ever he was on trial. He said something like "I'm a law abiding citizen. I'll never be in that situation"

The lady said "Okay. But if you were. Would you expect a jury"?

He said "Of course I would"

Then she replied somewhat tartly

"In that case you should have no problems about doing jury duty yourself, unless you expect everybody else to do it instead"

That shut him up right quick :hihi:

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