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Ron Paul comes second in American Primaries

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Who's got crystal balls?


There have been 2 primaries to date. Only another 52 to go, yet the OP says Ron Paul came second in the American primaries.


Ron Paul did come second in New Hampshire. I new this would be the case because I actually looked at the various polls that have shown support for Ron Paul growing steadily. The MSM either didn't bother to look or (more likely) chose to ignore the polls and continue to pretend RP doesn't exist.


Once again the disconnect between the MSM and reality is plain for all to see.


Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls....Turn off your telly's and get your info off the internet. Then you will actually be informed instead of simply brainwashed by people with ulterior motives.

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If he were a rape victim who became pregnant as a result of said rape, I'd be willing to accept that his view comes from personal experience. Not otherwise.


Ron Paul claims that babies who are aborted late on in pregnancies are conscious and crying while they are thrown in the bin. I too would oppose that.


I've never seen it but I'm sure he has as he a person who has delivered thousands of babies.

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From what I have seen of the US primaries (and fortunately, that's not a lot) there is considerable media bias. Some candidates are spending considerably more than others. No doubt some TV stations (owned by people who have their own views) will support some candidates rather than others.)


There is also some apathy towards the primary elections. Some people have not registered a political affiliation, so they will be ineligible to vote. Others aren't particularly interested.


I've no doubt that the media (particularly if the candidate favoured by a particular newspaper/TV channel is ahead) will try to tell people that the outcome is a foregone conclusion, but we will know the identity of the next Republican candidate only when the votes have been counted.

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Ron Paul did come second in New Hampshire. I new this would be the case because I actually looked at the various polls that have shown support for Ron Paul growing steadily. The MSM either didn't bother to look or (more likely) chose to ignore the polls and continue top pretend RP doesn't exist.


Once again the disconnect between the MSM and reality is plain for all to see.


Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls....Turn off your telly's and get your info off the internet. Then you will actually be informed instead of simply brainwashed by people with ulterior motives.


Indeed, but the title of the Post is 'Ron Paul comes second in American Primaries.'


There are 54 primary elections.

Two of them have been held.

There are another 52 to go.


It's a bit early yet to say 'Ron Paul came second.'

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Ron Paul claims that babies who are aborted late on in pregnancies are conscious and crying while they are thrown in the bin. I too would oppose that.


I've never seen it but I'm sure he has as he a person who has delivered thousands of babies.


Dont really matter what Ron Paul thinks about abortion, Roe vs Wade settled all that a long ago. Bush did his best to overturn it and failed and so will Ron Paul if he ever got to the White House which I'll bet the farm he never will.


I'm not pro-abortion by the way nor particularly against it. In the case of rape, incest or the foetus is malformed or imperfect in any other way then abortion is a damned good idea

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There is still a long way to go in the primaries. New Hampshire is only the second state. It doesn't mean all that much if Ron Paul came in second. He was still around 15 percent below Romney with the rest way below that.


It means he has gone from a fringe "conspiracy theorist" candidate to a mainstream challenger to the establishment.


It's hard to predict who will win the nomination in June of course but I'll hazard a guess and say it's Romney


It will either be Romney or Paul. Romney because the establishment want anyone but Paul and Paul because he stands for the values most Americans believe in and resonates with voters. Anti war, pro liberty, pro constitution. Ron Pauls success has come IN SPITE of massive and highly sophisticated propaganda that is desperately trying to prevent a Paul win. The only reason why people vote for the other candidates is because they have never heard of Paul and still don't know what he stands for. Paul's support is growing as more and more people reject the MSM and turn to the internet for their information. As soon as they are empowered with accurate unbiased information they realize what is actually going on and actually overwhelmingly support Paul. That is why the establishment is so afraid of him. It is also why rank and file military personnel support Paul in such numbers. Those guys can see war for what it is and have no desire to expand the war further in to Iran.


Ron Paul is essentially a Libertarian who is now running as a Republican but his ideas remain Libertarian. He ran under the Libertarian or Independent ticket back in 2008 and got nowhere because the Libertarians are just not a party that appeals to the great majority of the voters.


The system is rigged to give the majority of the press coverage to the main two parties. ANY third party has no chance whatsoever. The two main parties do not represent the opinions of the people. They represent the opinions of the rich. The problem is most people don't know anything else. They still form their opinions based on what they are told rather than the facts although that is changing more and more as Ron Pauls rising success demonstrates.


His ideas aren't really realistic. He is basically a racist, would like to see Social Security and Medicare disappear and advocates legalizing drugs.


Idea's like not invading Iran, not torturing people, reversing big government and balancing the budget.


Ron Paul advocates and end to the "war on drugs" which has been an unmitigated disaster. He advocates that drug addiction should be treat as a medical problem and not a criminal justice issue. Several high profile scientists share this view as do I.


Your making it sound like Ron Paul thinks everyone should take heroin or something.



During one interview he was asked who would take care of the sick if there was no health plan of any sort and his answer was that the church could do that in some cases because that was how it was done in the the old days. :hihi:


Ron Paul thinks the free market should take care of peoples health care needs. Not the church. He advocates individuals investing in their own insurance.


As for me I'll vote for Obama again any day. He may get his fair share of criticism from his opponents, some of it deserved maybe but no one can tell me he didn't do the right thing back in 2009 when he bailed out General Motors and Chrysler and saved millions of jobs in doing so and both those companies are doing very well now and the bail out loans paid back also.


Thousands of troops will stay behind in Iraq to protect the American embassy. We are still in Afganistan. Gitmo is still open. In short Obama is full of s**t. Obama had more funding from wall street than any other president in history and on new years eve he signed the NDAA act enabling the U.S. military to incarcerate anyone they feel like forever. He is nothing short of a TRAITOR who pays lip service to his oath of office where he swore to defend the constitution.


What a shill.


It also has to remembered that Obama inherited two wars and an economy that was going down the hole when he took office, a situation that not very many presidents before him except Roosevelt had to face.


He has done nothing about any of it. He has expanded the drone war in to Pakistan and Yemen. Assasinated U.S. citizens without giving them a trial and allowed Ben Bernanke to expand the money supply without limits. All the while pretending to support Occupy and the 99%


Obama's first loyalty is to Goldman Sachs and the Rothschilds. He is the another president straight from Wall Street.


You Harleyman, I strongly suspect, work for the CIA. You are obviously being paid to support right wing status quo views. You slag off and dismiss every progressive or left wing opinion without fail. You don't seem to work, rather you comment in each and every thread on here with your elitist rubbish, desperate to convince people not to think out of the box.

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Indeed, but the title of the Post is 'Ron Paul comes second in American Primaries.'


There are 54 primary elections.

Two of them have been held.

There are another 52 to go.


It's a bit early yet to say 'Ron Paul came second.'


Did he or did he not come second in New Hampshire?

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It means he has gone from a fringe "conspiracy theorist" candidate to a mainstream challenger to the establishment.




It will either be Romney or Paul. Romney because the establishment want anyone but Paul and Paul because he stands for the values most Americans believe in and resonates with voters. Anti war, pro liberty, pro constitution. Ron Pauls success has come IN SPITE of massive and highly sophisticated propaganda that is desperately trying to prevent a Paul win. The only reason why people vote for the other candidates is because they have never heard of Paul and still don't know what he stands for. Paul's support is growing as more and more people reject the MSM and turn to the internet for their information. As soon as they are empowered with accurate unbiased information they realize what is actually going on and actually overwhelmingly support Paul. That is why the establishment is so afraid of him. It is also why rank and file military personnel support Paul in such numbers. Those guys can see war for what it is and have no desire to expand the war further in to Iran.




The system is rigged to give the majority of the press coverage to the main two parties. ANY third party has no chance whatsoever. The two main parties do not represent the opinions of the people. They represent the opinions of the rich. The problem is most people don't know anything else. They still form their opinions based on what they are told rather than the facts although that is changing more and more as Ron Pauls rising success demonstrates.




Idea's like not invading Iran, not torturing people, reversing big government and balancing the budget.


Ron Paul advocates and end to the "war on drugs" which has been an unmitigated disaster. He advocates that drug addiction should be treat as a medical problem and not a criminal justice issue. Several high profile scientists share this view as do I.


Your making it sound like Ron Paul thinks everyone should take heroin or something.





Ron Paul thinks the free market should take care of peoples health care needs. Not the church. He advocates individuals investing in their own insurance.




Thousands of troops will stay behind in Iraq to protect the American embassy. We are still in Afganistan. Gitmo is still open. In short Obama is full of s**t. Obama had more funding from wall street than any other president in history and on new years eve he signed the NDAA act enabling the U.S. military to incarcerate anyone they feel like forever. He is nothing short of a TRAITOR who pays lip service to his oath of office where he swore to defend the constitution.


What a shill.




He has done nothing about any of it. He has expanded the drone war in to Pakistan and Yemen. Assasinated U.S. citizens without giving them a trial and allowed Ben Bernanke to expand the money supply without limits. All the while pretending to support Occupy and the 99%


Obama's first loyalty is to Goldman Sachs and the Rothschilds. He is the another president straight from Wall Street.


You Harleyman, I strongly suspect, work for the CIA. You are obviously being paid to support right wing status quo views. You slag off and dismiss every progressive or left wing opinion without fail. You don't seem to work, rather you comment in each and every thread on here with your elitist rubbish, desperate to convince people not to think out of the box.



I'm a registered Democrat of many years standing. I dislike every Republican candidiate including Ron Paul not to mention the Tea Party nuts.


You make Ron Paul sound like some enlightened sandal wearing Guru from the 1960s. He's not. He's a man with some strange ideas and as a president he'd

get nowhere in Congress with them.


I see him as the political rebirth of Timothy Leary :hihi:

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