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Ron Paul comes second in American Primaries

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Yes I'm still hear and enjoying people's thoughts on the subject. Actually I'm quite surprised at the response. I didn't think that many British people would have heard of him, much less be interested.


(When I first posted I had a senior moment and couldn't remember the name New Hampshire, hence the 'American' gaffe. SF members are very astute and quite rightly won't let anything pass unchallenged)


I'm still watching the occupy thread too. It's very difficult for some people to be convinced, but the fact that it's still alive and kicking must mean something.


Some people here are American. Others are trolls of the establishment who are desperate to stop people from supporting Ron Paul.


#Occupy is more than just alive and kicking. Occupy congress will start on January the 17th. There will be some fireworks there I'm sure. Like I said in the other thread Occupy is about to morph in to #Evict. It isn't simply a mass movement in the style of the socialist party of old. This is very different. It has been carefully devised and intricately planned by the unstoppable self awareness of the internet. Occupy wont end until after the revolution. The MSM and TPTB have no idea what is really happening.


I can't wait. :)

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The working class is being strangled by the banking cartel. Ending the fed is the primary objective. Everything else is just window dressing.


Hand wave it away why don't you :hihi:


Tax cuts and welfare cuts will benefit the better off - and you want Occupy to endorse that?


You are the 99% :huh:

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Some people here are American. Others are trolls of the establishment who are desperate to stop people from supporting Ron Paul.



Yes - hand wave away all opposition as trolls.


Some people don't buy into your tax cuts and welfare cuts that don't benefit the working class.

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No - someone who Ron Paul endorsed in 2008 - Chuck Baldwin.




So to liberate us all you want us to follow a white racist :cool:


I don't really know who Chuck Baldwin is and I can't be bothered to look, nor do I even care. Ron Paul is not a white supremacist and he has been clear about that. You're just trying to slander him. The wikipedia article you pointed to had nothing about Chuck being a white supremacist. It had this to say on Pauls Endorsement...


After Ron Paul withdrew from the Republican campaign in June, he remained neutral about making a presidential endorsement. On September 10, Paul held a National Press Club conference at which Baldwin, Green Party nominee Cynthia McKinney, and independent candidate Ralph Nader all agreed on four principles—quickly ending the Iraq war, protecting privacy and civil liberties, stopping increases in the national debt, and investigating the Federal Reserve—and on their opposition to the Democratic and Republican parties ignoring these issues.[37]


Paul's advice at the conference was to vote for whichever third-party candidate one has the most affinity to, because "we must maximize the total votes of those rejecting the two major candidates."[38] However, on September 22, 2008, Paul stated his neutrality was "due to my respect and friendship and support from both the Constitution and Libertarian Party members . . . and I'm a ten-term Republican congressman. It is not against the law to participate in more than one political party." Paul then gave his endorsement to Baldwin: "Unsolicited advice from the Libertarian Party candidate . . . has [persuaded] me to reject my neutral stance in the November election. I'm supporting Chuck Baldwin, the Constitution Party candidate."[39] Paul later clarified that though he would vote for Baldwin, he recognized the diversity of his support base and could not bind anyone's conscience. A former Paul primary backer, Houston term limits pioneer Clymer Wright, also contributed to the Baldwin campaign.[40]





Besides I don't think you can get more racist than the PNAC crowd.


Can you give me some EVIDENCE that Ron Paul holds racist views? I doubt it because there isn't any.

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I see him as the political rebirth of Timothy Leary :hihi:


Leary dwarfs the man intellectually, even if he did balls up the one single moment in history where there might actually have been a limited revolution in human consciousness. But because he was a self aggrandizing arrogant prick, he blew it.


But he could out-think Ron Paul the way you and I out-think a dog.


Nevertheless I agree with you re:Ron Paul. Even if his admittedly large cohort of freak supporters (and I speak as a card carrying freak) manage to catapult him from nowhere to leading contender and say an outright win on Super Tuesday, there will be a ton of Republicans who simply won't vote for him when it comes to Presidential elections.


Even if he does snag Andrew Napolitano for a running mate.

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Many of them are getting redundancy slips already. The drawdowns and force-reshaping in Europe and Asia were planned by General Jones - a Marine. That plan was written (and accepted) long before Obama stood for the presidency.


Those drawdowns have gone more slowly than planned for a number of reasons - including the lack of accommodation in the US for masses of returning servicemen, their families, support personnel and their families - but they are still happening.


So we should stay at war and keep murdering people because we don't have enough houses to house all the servicemen?


Keep trying.

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I dont see Paul as being a particular friend of the middle class working person. Certainly he is against such things as Social Security and Medicare and maybe union power.

The fact that he's chosen to be a Republican makes me highly suspicious of him


He wants to abolish the Fed. The real source of ALL the problems we face today. That's all you need to know.

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I don't really know who Chuck Baldwin is and I can't be bothered to look, nor do I even care.


So you didn't even look at the link in my last thread. And I'm to take your views seriously. And he is close to the John Birch Society (I take it you've heard of them).


Like you can't understand how tax cuts and welfare cuts will benefit the well off at the expense of the working class.


Some of you will buy into anybody who makes the right noises about bankers.



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Hand wave it away why don't you :hihi:


Tax cuts and welfare cuts will benefit the better off - and you want Occupy to endorse that?


You are the 99% :huh:


The U.S. government is spending beyond it's means. It has to cut back on services. At least with Ron Paul, some of those cuts will come from greedy bankers and the military. Obama and the other GOP candidates won't even cut at all. They will just spend spend spend the American public in to debt slavery while giving handouts to their friends. Ron Paul cares more about the working class than those guys.


You can tell because Ron Paul is honest and hasn't changed his position in years. All the other politicians will say whatever it takes to get elected and then revert to being Goldmans bitch once in office. We have seen it too many times. We won't be fooled by that charade again.


Yes I will just hand wave you away, because you're talking rubbish.

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