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Death Notice Rip Off - the cost of putting them in the local paper.

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So how would you insert a rose graphic within a lineage ad? Was it the OP intention to put in a single col semi display ad? Surely the lineage option should have been explained to the OP?


We don't do semi display ads any more and never have on the BMD section. The graphic is all part of the style set up we use for BMDs. There are other things as well as the rose, like a cross, bible and both Sheffield football clubs. Like I say we don't agree with it but there's nothing we can do about it.

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I used to advertise a lot with the Star but I don't any more. The prices are a complete rip-off, the service is awful and whoever types them up can't spell - they keep putting Citreon instead of Citroen and it drives me nuts! I moved all my ads online at a fraction of the cost and with much better results.

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How did the council ever manage to pass a by-law making it a legal requirement to put a notice in the local paper anyway?


They havent. I placed a notice for my mum but not for my dad. The only way people will do anything is by not using the service full stop. I know email and text can be impersonal but word of mouth is possibly the best method.

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I reckon within 10 years the BMD service in the Star will be redundant, less and less people reading it as the older generation die off, a steady decline in readership for the last 10 years. Absolutely nothing in it for the younger generation, well nothing they can't read on their ipad's or iphone's?

Mark my words, the next gesture will be a relaunch as a weekly as with other Johnston Press titles and then struggle on for a couple of years on a weekly basis before it dies itself. ...

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Unbelievable!!! ... don't think I'd want to receive news of a bereavement by email or text!


I can understand not wanting to be informed by SMS message but what's wrong with an email ? It's still communication via written word just as the newspaper notice is.


Personally I think a directed email to my personal email account is far better than a public notice in the back of some tatty newspaper.

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