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My Jaguar Mk7 1955 Gone But Not Forgotten !!

old tup

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Way back in 1962 I was 19yrs of age just like youngsters today I was mad on cars,one thing in my favour was that my girlfriends father had a second hand car sales business,His name Howard Kenyon it was opposite the Unity pictures on Langsett Rd,he used to buy a lot of his motors from the auctions at Rothwell near Leeds and along with his son I used to drive the cars he,d bid on back to Sheffield.He was very good to me if I fancied a motor he,d buy it for me,service it,do it up he was an artist on the bodywork and he would let me pay weekly at a low rate.In this way at a young age I had quite a few nice cars,as soon as I tired of one he,d stick it on his plot and sell it,at this time I was yearning to own a Jag. he did his best to put me off but I didn,t listen and he got me a Mk 7 1955 model.It was a beauty British racing green,lots of chrome it had a walnut dash,leather seats,sunroof it had overdrive on the gears the back seat area was massive.I polished it regularly with Johnstons one step wax it shone like a mirror it was my pride and joy but it had one setback petrol consumption,15mpg in town 18 to 20 on a run and eventually I was spending too much as Howard had warned me,it lasted around 18 months before we sadly parted but I enjoyed every minute,long gone but not forgotten!!:love::hihi:

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Hi Hillsbro,thats the one its a minter alwright mine looked just the same I wish I had it now £39000 would come in handy.I remember because of my age no one would insure me fully comp only third party and then only because i took out an endowment with the insurance company,the car was a money pit but I don,t regret buying it you,ve to admit it still looks elegant at 57yrs old!!:D:D

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