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Farmers shooting dogs

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with todays technology their must be an alternative to having a beloved pet shot, farmers do not form an emotional tie to them as owners do with their pets, it's a two sided coin, farmers sheep few years ago broke out of their field and some of them ended up on my property causing a lot of damage, as it was a sunny day my door was open and i was in the shower to hear crashing in the house, my small dog covering for her life, do i have the right to shoot them to protect my property, or if someone breaks in and i smack them one i can be sued or even jailed for this, but yet i there is no protection for my pet, yes there is bad owners out their and yes there is also bad farmers out their, reason why a 40 year old law needs to be reviewed, finding an alternative why would that be a bad thing if it puts a farmer in better light, as reading some posts it's doing no favors for them at all

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was a greenbelt field at the back of my house in fife, surrounded by houses, dont know yet if the land is registered for agriculture use as it was owned by the coal board, and this guy was just renting this field, and gun laws state he must be land owner to use a gun on agriculture land, but do the police want to help, it also must state on his gun license a rifle must be conditioned for the shooting of vermin and pests and would not be conditioned to shoot a dog unless the certificate had it printed on it, as dogs are not vermin but will the police also check this out will they hell

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if this area is as residential as you say it is, then I'd be concerned about the use of firearms on this field. I suspect that whipping up the local parents into objecting may be of more use to you than asking for sympathy about your dog - harsh as that sounds


Don't read my post the wrong way - I don't think there are many people as angry as I am about the lack of protection dogs have in law. The idea that my stereo is entitle do better protection than my dog galls me

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was a greenbelt field at the back of my house in fife, surrounded by houses, dont know yet if the land is registered for agriculture use as it was owned by the coal board, and this guy was just renting this field, and gun laws state he must be land owner to use a gun on agriculture land, but do the police want to help, it also must state on his gun license a rifle must be conditioned for the shooting of vermin and pests and would not be conditioned to shoot a dog unless the certificate had it printed on it, as dogs are not vermin but will the police also check this out will they hell


I think he meant what part of sheffield.Sorry for your loss fella.Must be gut wrenching.

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if this area is as residential as you say it is, then I'd be concerned about the use of firearms on this field. I suspect that whipping up the local parents into objecting may be of more use to you than asking for sympathy about your dog - harsh as that sounds


Don't read my post the wrong way - I don't think there are many people as angry as I am about the lack of protection dogs have in law. The idea that my stereo is entitle do better protection than my dog galls me



It isn't very residential at all. More fields than houses.


The Law was broken, by the admission of the OP.


He is perfectly entitled to ask for the “Dogs (Protection of Livestock) Act, 1953” to be looked at, but his dogs got out and one went worrying sheep.


Looking for various spurious loopholes doesn't do his case much good.

I would be interested to know if compensation was sought and/or obtained after the sheep/shower incident?

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if i was looking for sympathy about my dog i would have posted more about her on this, my aim is to have the a law dating back to 1953 and 1971 re addressed and have more protection for both put in place, i do not condemn farmers protecting their livestock, as a two sided coin bad dog owners and bad farmers, everyones opinion is going to be divided, and why i am trying to get the petition i have set up with the government seen and hopefully signed, and not a sympathy vote

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You're right - that didn't read right did it?


It really gets my goat that the only way to 'protect' your dog's rights is to take a different tack. It's even more annoying that dog owners who don't have a responsible attitude to their dogs bring the rest of us into such disrepute that public opinion is now polarised into dog lovers or dog haters. It's interesting for instance, how many people give me more pavement space when passing when I'm pushing my daughter in her buggy, but how many people expect me to get out of their way if I'm walking my dog in the same place

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