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What's the longest you've gone without sleeping and how was it?

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I think 40 hrs is the longest I've stayed awake, but I was about 18 at the time and it was a sponsored stay awake, so there was a good reason. I remember feeling a sensation similar to a mild vibration running through my body towards the end of it, it was all a bit surreal.


I find it hard to believe that some people have stayed awake for weeks; actually stayed awake without dozing or nodding-off and experienced no adverse side effects other than feeling quite at odds with oneself. Obviously, many people do suffer from insomnia and are taking medication for it, which is why I always thought that sleep deprivation could affect our health and should be avoided at all cost; thinking sleep was an essential periodic sate that the body couldn't do without, but apparently not, it seems scientists are unable to give a definitive answer as to why some people are able to function having not slept for long periods or why most people require sleep at all, they just don't know what purpose sleeping serves. There are various theories which can't be agreed upon , but nothing that can say why we need sleep or why others don't.:confused:





Do you have any experiences of not sleeping or do you know of anyone who has stayed awake for a ridiculous length of time?

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The only night I've gone without sleep was the night before an autism conference in Birmingham about 10 years ago, I couldn't sleep cos the beds in the Travelodge were like sleeping on stones they were that hard!

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back when i was 16 i used to be awake for 3 or 4 days sleep for 3 hrs then back up lol never found out what caused it i finally started sleeping again when i was 19 going on 2.


now i can manage on 3 hrs a night but eventually i crash and sleep for 12 hrs solid

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About 40 hours - flying back from Hawaii. Very hard to sleep on the plane and then wasn't able to get to sleep when I got home as I was overtired. Or at least that's the technical term for it. How does anyone get overtired so they can't sleep? How does that work?

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