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Maggie Thatcher - What Did She Do For Sheffield? Really?

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It just goes to show how bitter some people are on here, and how they continually live in the past. I bet half of them still can't help thinking of the war whenever Germany is mentioned.


I didn't know it was the remit of every prime minister to do something for every single town or city. What exactly did Blair or Brown do specifically for Sheffield?

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It just goes to show how bitter some people are on here, and how they continually live in the past. I bet half of them still can't help thinking of the war whenever Germany is mentioned.


I didn't know it was the remit of every prime minister to do something for every single town or city. What exactly did Blair or Brown do specifically for Sheffield?[/QUOTE]


Nothing I can think of but at least they didn't punish us.

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She must have done something, why else would you despise her so much?


She apparently oversaw a 350% increase in productivity in Sheffield's steel industry. I think that upset the folks who found they had to work for a living but presumably allowed the industry to compete in the world market and ultimately survive.

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She apparently oversaw a 350% increase in productivity in Sheffield's steel industry. I think that upset the folks who found they had to work for a living but presumably allowed the industry to compete in the world market and ultimately survive.


And closed all the mines!!!!

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She apparently oversaw a 350% increase in productivity in Sheffield's steel industry. I think that upset the folks who found they had to work for a living but presumably allowed the industry to compete in the world market and ultimately survive.


There are two types of statistics ……. Those you look up and those you make up.


Ford makes more cars than Rolls Royce so I guess in your books that makes them a better company.


When I first started in the steel works the largest job we could do on our machine was 5 ton and it by the time I left a similar computer controlled machine was able to do 30 ton jobs ………. Its called technology, nothing to do with the milk snatcher.

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This seems to be the one bug bear for a lot of people but was it not likely that competition from other sources would eventually have brought about the same end. Did it have a future, really?


They like to forget that Labour lost more mining jobs per year than the Conservative lost.


Between 1950 and 1997 labour lost 244,341 and the conservatives lost 465,630


Nearly twice as many jobs were lost during periods under Conservative control as under Labour but at an annual rate this becomes 16,289 per year under Labour and 14,110 per year under Conservatives.

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