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Something to help me sleep

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Watch your caffeine intake throughout the day if you drink tea, coffe, coke etc.


Cut down on any booze.


Do more exercise throughout the day.


An hour before you plan on going to bed, try to start to wind down and just relax for a while. A bath helps as it relaxes the muscles.

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During the day make sure you take plenty of exercise, don't eat too late at night and reduce the amount of liquids you have within a couple of hours of bed time, along with reducing caffeine through the whole day.


A really good bedtime routine works wonders. Start doing the same thing every night before going to bed for the last hour, as this will start your brain slowing down and heading towards sleep well before you get into bed.


Turn off the TV and computer

Have a hot milky drink (assuming you can, of course)

Read a book, listen to the radio or the same CD every night

Have a warm (not hot) bath with some calming aromatherapy oils in if possible.


This won't work from day 1, but within a few weeks your brain will start to associate your routine with sleep and it will become easier to start getting properly down into rest faster.


To help you sleep make sure that your bedroom is properly dark, at the right temperature (colder than your living room- we sleep better in a cold room as long as we have enough bed clothes) and that your bed is not past its best and causing your body to complain whilst you're in bed.

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