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Something to help me sleep

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Tesco and boots do their own sleeping tablets which, has been said, are just old style antihistamines that induce drowsiness. If you don't want pharmaceutical remedies you could try valerian root which you can get from the herbalist (or online) in dried root form to make into a tea or capsules. The tea is supposed to work more effectively as it's released quicker. It pongs of sweaty feet though :gag:, although doesn't taste as bad as it smells.

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Tesco and boots do their own sleeping tablets which, has been said, are just old style antihistamines that induce drowsiness. If you don't want pharmaceutical remedies you could try valerian root which you can get from the herbalist (or online) in dried root form to make into a tea or capsules. The tea is supposed to work more effectively as it's released quicker. It pongs of sweaty feet though :gag:, although doesn't taste as bad as it smells.


The tesco ones are the same as Nytol but waaaaay cheaper.

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Melatonin works for me, it's not a sleeping tablet as such, it's a naturally occurring hormone that your brain releases when it's time for sleep. It's not like a sleeping tablet or Valium, it does not make you feel drowsy or irritable the next day and it's not addictive.


Some info here




It's used a lot for jetlag. I get mine from Biovea, if you want to give it a go then PM me your email address and I can recommend you, that way you get a fiver off your first order and I get a fiver credit.




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I'm under no stress at all but just can't sleep at night. I'm tired before I go to bed, get in bed then I'm wide awake? Does anyone have any advice that might help me to sleep


Get a woman, when they want sex you will fall asleep like nobodies business.

Are you real ?.,

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