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Girl turns down 'mandatory' work placement

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Have any of you actually offered a YTS placement and been responsible for administering it. With some of the candidates it can cost you money to take them on. They require constant supervision thus slowing down other workers. The ones who want to learn or impress can make a real difference but the ones who don't want to be there can unsettle everyone and lead to them demanding no more YTS people.

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These companys should pay wages for staff is they want to employ them.


Why should the taxpayer subsides companies who want free labour, and then want the £2000 bonus after the 3 week placement has been completed?


If I was that way inclined, I could get some poor person who has been long term unemployed person to post my leaflets for free for 3 weeks, and then get £2000. I could then gets loads of unemployed people to swell my class numbers, boost my profits and then pocket lots of £2000.


Or I could shove the leaflets through the doors myself, out of the profits that I legitimately earn in order to grow my own business, for my own benefit.


These thieving companies are forcing everybodys wages down. Sooner or later, the only companies that will be able to thrive will be the ones who take government cash/grants.


Thats because working peoples wages will be so low, they will not be able to spend any cash in non subsidised businesses. If things carry on like this we will all be forced to stick the knife into the backs of other working class people -and the political elite will get ever richer

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