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Hypothetical Theology Question?

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Strange how one mans message has had such an effect on the world. Good job Jesus was not a slave owning child rapist warlord etc, where would we be if we followed the words of a nutter like that? It's unimaginable.


Strange how God didn't just tell Moses to spread that message the first time round, instead of telling him to kill thousands.

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Strange how God didn't just tell Moses to spread that message the first time round, instead of telling him to kill thousands.


Jesus the man had a message of peace and love. Strip away all the rubbish since and that's what's left. If he had never been born what kind of world would we have now? Probably various forms of paganism, and in a pre industrial society. Imagine though if Jesus had been a blood nut and set out his stall accordingly. He is without sin cast the first stone would have become what? He who does not throw a stone hard enough gets it next?

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Jesus the man had a message of peace and love. Strip away all the rubbish since and that's what's left. If he had never been born what kind of world would we have now? Probably various forms of paganism, and in a pre industrial society.
Absolute nonsense.


Jesus had a message of fear: 'worship me or else my dad will see to it that you are tortured for all of eternity'.


And your assertion that the industrial revolution was a result of Christianity is completely absurd.


Imagine though if Jesus had been a blood nut and set out his stall accordingly.


Conversely, imagine how much suffering would be avoided if Jesus had condemned slavery, rather than implicitly endorsing it with his silence.

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Strange how one mans message has had such an effect on the world. Good job Jesus was not a slave owning child rapist warlord
A shame though that he didn't condemn either of those things. Jesus never had a bad word to say about slavery or rape, or even war.


Also, 'one man's message' is Christian myth, the gospels are the work of many different authors.


Jesus the man, had no-where near as much impact as say, Mohammed for example, who drastically changed the world himself in his own lifetime.

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Absolute nonsense.


Jesus had a message of fear: 'worship me or else my dad will see to it that you are tortured for all of eternity'.


And your assertion that the industrial revolution was a result of Christianity is completely absurd.




Conversely, imagine how much suffering would be avoided if Jesus had condemned slavery, rather than implicitly endorsing it with his silence.


Wow! Try reading the sermon on the mount. And after that google Calvinism/industrial revolution :D or just keep making yourself look silly:o




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Wow! Try reading the sermon on the mount.
I've read it, its overrated. Are you going to deny that one of the most important parts of Jesus' message was


'worship me or else I will have you tortured'


And after that google Calvinism/industrial revolution :D or just keep making yourself look silly:o


Firstly, the Calvinists were not single handedly responsible for the industrial revolution, they are a relatively insignificant factor. Go read a book or two, the causes of the industrial revolution are not something you can understand after 10 minutes on wikipedia. :rolleyes:


Secondly, the very aspects of Calvinism that were ripe for capitalism (the usury) was explicitly condemned by Jesus. They were going directly against his teachings.


The Calvinists became industrialists in spite of Jesus, not because of him.


Also, I notice a complete lack of response to my point that Jesus simply was not good enough to condemn rape or slavery. If I was making a moral code, they'd be amongst the very first things I prohibited, I guess I'm just morally superior to Jesus.

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Why have you quoted and responded to this..

Strange how God didn't just tell Moses to spread that message the first time round, instead of telling him to kill thousands.


with this..

Jesus the man had a message of peace and love. Strip away all the rubbish since and that's what's left. If he had never been born what kind of world would we have now? Probably various forms of paganism, and in a pre industrial society. Imagine though if Jesus had been a blood nut and set out his stall accordingly. He is without sin cast the first stone would have become what? He who does not throw a stone hard enough gets it next?




What's the relevance to my post?

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I've read it, its overrated. Are you going to deny that one of the most important parts of Jesus' message was


'worship me or else I will have you tortured'




Firstly, the Calvinists were not single handedly responsible for the industrial revolution, they are a relatively insignificant factor. Go read a book or two, the causes of the industrial revolution are not something you can understand after 10 minutes on wikipedia. :rolleyes:


Secondly, the very aspects of Calvinism that were ripe for capitalism (the usury) was explicitly condemned by Jesus. They were going directly against his teachings.


The Calvinists became industrialists in spite of Jesus, not because of him.


Ha ha ha :hihi: your funny.


Jesus in his words and actions gave the world he lived in a message of love. Jesus harmed no one, he was not a slave owner or warlord. I am right you are wrong. I have proved my argument you have stamped your feet.:loopy:

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Jesus in his words
...never once condemned rape, slavery or war, either because he was too much of a coward or because he saw nothing wrong with them.


He also explicitly condemned the very things that the Calvinists did when the became industrialists.


...gave the world he lived in a message of love.
He also threatened every single person on the planet with eternal torture if they didn't worship him, that is not how I would define love. Love is unconditional, you don't let people who you love be tortured.


I have proved my argument

You haven't addressed a single one of the points I've raised, not one. You've just repeated yourself three or four times, as if you've got your fingers stuck in your ears and you're going 'la la la I can't hear you'. Conversely I have tailored responses to each of your points. Don't be a troll.

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