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Hypothetical Theology Question?

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One is following the teachings of a man that actually existed, and many think that because of his wiseness, compassion, love and forgiveness to the extent to where he died for those belief's he must have been divine and even call him the son of God. (you can debate about what God means til the cows come home)


The other is the following of a bloke that thinks we were all from another planet or something nutty.


So both follow the teachings of men that existed, that's a similarity, not a difference. Is there a difference?

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You're not suggesting that there were no inventions before Christianity came along are you?


One would hope not.


I can see that 'some' technology has been inextricably linked with wars. But by no means all of it. Surely it's mans insatiable desire for answers to questions, or I wonder what would happen if I mixed this with that, or a million and one other questions which man has solved and therefore advanced scientific knowledge. It's been a natural progression, and will continue to be.

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I suspect that if there was any danger to Jesus (or whatever he was called) today, it would come from these people. The people with so much emotional investment in their dogma that they would refuse to believe this person, no matter the evidence. Some of these people can get quite annoyed and kill people because of cartoons or books. Ironically, his supporters initially could be the agnostics and atheists.


Very good point, and most likely, in my opinion. If a man proved himself to be God/Son of God, there would be no denying it. Therefore it would be reasonable to accept him as God/Son of God.

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Of course not, I am suggesting that Christianity provided the spring board for the industrial revolution, via Calvinism. Hence todays world.


I'm puzzled how you arrive at this. (please forgive me if I'm being thick), but what has Calvinism got to do with the industrial revolution?


I suspect the Industrial revolution was mostly driven by 'greed'

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Of course not, I am suggesting that Christianity provided the spring board for the industrial revolution, via Calvinism. Hence todays world.


Would the calvanist scientists not have existed without Christianity? Would they not have had the same intellect,desire to experiment etc? Genuine question..if not why not?

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Would the calvanist scientists not have existed without Christianity? Would they not have had the same intellect,desire to experiment etc? Genuine question..if not why not?


I am sure they would have. However as I have said before, other religions had the time prior to Jesus. Yet ?

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