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Harold Shipman found dead in cell

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

No what you said is that I should pitty shipman for being a murderer.

No I didn't, why don't you try reading what I've written? I said we should pity those who are sick. I believe Shipman was sick because he had a psychological disorder.

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Originally posted by Sidla

No I didn't, why don't you try reading what I've written? I said we should pity those who are sick. I believe Shipman was sick because he had a psychological disorder.

Oh lets not quibble over detail.

So you are saying I should pitty Harold the murderer because in YOUR opinion he is sick. I'm sorry. No.

He may be sick in your opinion, but in miy opinion he's a murderer who knew what he was doing.

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Originally posted by Dug

However the report also states that Shipman would not have received his pension had he lived - his NHS pension entitlement had been stripped, therefore why should his widow receive it?


Thanks for the guardian link Dug


Okay this is what I have just read

"Under national health service pension scheme regulations, ministers directed that 100% of Shipman's personal benefits from the NHS pension scheme should be forfeited. However, Mrs Shipman is entitled to the relevant survivor benefits on his death"


I guess the answer is because she is his widow, she survives him. Benefits wouldnt go to him because he is a murderer (or for whatever other reason people are stripped of pension rights) but spouses and dependents get theirs still.


He cannot keep her as his dependent any more once he is dead so the scheme pays out to her what it wont pay out to him.


Sounds fair to me


Widow's pension


Just like Policeman's wives get, or anybody else in a good scheme

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