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RIP My Dad.. ..

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Time dosent heal but you learn to cope better x i lost both my mum dad n both nan n grandads and i think of them every day,i know every parent loves their kids unconditionally and you did what you did as we are all humans.My thoughts are with you and your family,theres no rights n no wrongs just think of all the happy times and memories in their life xx

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Today we burried my Dad.

We cried, we laughed, we cried some more.

He had a good send off and im sure hed have loved the song choice.

I just want to thank everyone who attended. Some faces ive not seen in years and it was good to see them. Im going to make sure we dont lose touch again and only see each other at funerals.

A couple of other things id like to mention.

Thank you to the small black car (corsa i think) whos driver stopped on the roundabout to let the funeral cars through. It was nice and made the trip that bit smoother for Dad and id also like to say thank you to the driver of Stagecoach 123 going up City rd who stopped, flashed us through and put on his hazzrds to make sure no one overtook.

That touched me a great deal.

Thank you.

Most of all thank you to Dad.

I wasnt the best son in the world.

I dissapointed him more than once and i wish now (now that its too late) to make up for that.

But i cant.

So im going to live my life in a way that would make him proud.

I hope hes watching me (i know he isnt) and i hope i make him proud!!


Thanks again Dad. You were 1 in a million.


Great tribute and I'm sure just by reading that he is proud of you. Rip for your dad

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Thank you to everyone.

ill admit i shed a tear reading those replies so felt it better to reply this morning when the emotions have had a chance to die down before i post again.

Id like to also thank Ghostrider.

Thanks to him my Dad went out with a fab song that was really personal and very fitting.

I had a scan round when it started playing as we were walking out and saw less tears and many more smiling faces.

That song was just perfect!!

One more thing, if you still have your Dad then your a lucky lucky person.

Look after him, take care of him, be his friend.

My Dad was amazing and didnt deserve to go the way he did but through it all he was brave, he was diginified.

He was my Dad.

Thanks again Ghostrider and thank you once again to everyone whos contributed.

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