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Street Bookie and runners- help with BBC 1950s Series!


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Hi Everyone and apologises for interupting your forum.


My name is Mark Ferguson and I am a researcher working on a new series looking at life in the 1950s, due to be broadcasted on BBC1 throughout the UK in March 2012. The programme is a celebratory hark back to the time using first hand interviews and our rich BBC archive.


One of the themes we are looking at is Leisure and we want to cover Betting and the Bookies, in particular the Street Bookies. I'd love to talk to anyone who was a street bookie or a runner.


We really want to hear about their memories, and really how life was back in the 50s.


I am also trying to find some people who raced pigeons or dogs in the 50s too to share their story.


If you think you could help, please do get in touch, send me a message or an email to mark.ferguson@bbc.co.uk


Look forward to hearing from you.


Mark Ferguson

BBC Northern Ireland

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