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Suffer with high blood pressure.

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the doc told me that altering your diet has very little effect. its more to do with family history. but its the obvious things like cutting salt out, cut down on coffee and try and make sure you drink plenty of water. ohh and of course stop smoking, stop drinking alcohol, exercise for at least thirty minutes a day. dont push yourself too hard though, i do sometimes and end up on the floor with bad chest pains. just take it easy

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I suffer with high blood pressure and on tablets,ive recently packed in smoking,can anyone tell me the right foods to eat to keep my blood pressure down and i need t lose weight.


Eat plenty of fruit and veg, fish and stay away from fried/junk food. Do a food diary as well to keep track what you eat. Keep doing this for 21 days and you will get used to it.


On the say so from your doctor, go swimming too and build your fitness... but get the nod from your doctor that's important.


Keep a food and fitness diet and meditate and self hypnosis such as listening to cds are good.

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Hi there


It's great that you have given up smoking and diet is important. You might like to take a look at this new programme for help with high blood pressure - The Hypnotension™ programme. It is a one-to-one therapy run by qualified practitioners which looks at the emotional and lifestyle factors which contribute to high blood pressure and helps you with all of them.


Your progress is carefully monitored over the course of treatment and it can be tailored to your individual needs. If you are interested in finding out more then you can email or phone me ann@wellthought.co.uk or phone 07900 888112.


best wishes and good health




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the doc told me that altering your diet has very little effect. its more to do with family history.


Utter crap.


Make sure you pack up the fags, preferably the booze and change your diet to rice with mostly veg but a little meat.

Then take up a light martial art such as tai chi and learn how to control your body.


A decent instructor will teach you the ability to control your heart rate and blood pressure as my doctor was somewhere past shocked to find out.

I'd had an accident one day but was in a rush to get moving to do a job.

it was just a few stitches in my head so I wanted him to get off his fat arse and be a doctor so I could get on with what I wanted to do.

That 'well man' rubbish was all the rage at that time so the quack insisted on taking my BP.

Of course it was high; I was running around like a silly bugger to get the job done so, upon his comment about it "Being a little high", I turned it down and asked him if that was better.

He looked like a goldfish with an especially stupid expression.


You can also have fun with the electronic BP machines. They can't handle the up/down changes you'll learn to do.

****** the quacks off no end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

eat atleast two or three bananas a day

cut down salt

do 30-45 mins execises atleast 5 days a week + jogging or running

eat 5 types of fruits a day (Apple, pear, some grapes, melon, strawberry etc)

take the life easy....don't take it seriously...the truth is you never escape it a live -:)


I am sure you will succeed....tc

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I was suffering from high blood pressure 3 years ago, now it is roughly 110/ 70.


Some things to think about:


1) Check that you do not suffer from white coat syndrome, my blood pressure was always much higher at the doctors as I get quite stressed as I don;t like going.

2) Check any medication you are on. For women the contraception pill can play havoc with BP.

3) Stop smoking

4) Stop eating proccessed food/ sauces (including bread) they all have high amounts of salt in. Do not add salt to food.

5) Lose weight, if you do step 4 + 6 this should happen anyway without too much effort ;)

6) Excerise 4 times a week for 30 mins (20 mins of this should be stuff that raises your heart beat)

7) Limit alcohol to a sensible amount


Good luck :) It worked for me.

Edited by Evei
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

ive had consistantly high blood pressure readings ( over 150/100 ) high heart rate, dizzy spells, headaches, limb pains, chest pain, blurred vision etc but when ever i see the gp she tells me im probebly fine


can i insist on them doing some basic tests?

my mother is now severly disabled caused by a series of strokes that went un detected in her 30's, im now at the same age as she was when hers started, im worried im going to go the same way she did

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