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The Truth About Passive Smoking

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My nan is 67 now and she has been 67 for as long as I can remember. She's that 67 where you get free TV license, but to be fair dunt we all? Has I eckers got a TV like!


Anyhoo, she has been on that nicotine gum from Savers n Superdrug, where that gets a free nicotine patch to try out with you know. So we stuck them all together, made a tent, solved the arsing crisis!


So we supped a special int peece gardens, an it wer reight, and we had a few ciggies anyway, not like is gonna kill us eh.


And you know what.


Alf down road, 8th ars on left, his grandsons ex missus's cousin, he won a tenner on lotto did he!

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It's funny. If you smoke cigarettes (which do stink) even outside people tend to complain about it.


I smoke a pipe. The tobacco I smoke has a fairly strong vanilla aroma.


My pipe emits clouds of blue smoke (especially if I've got a fresh poultice on the back of my neck to help me draw)


Nobody ever complains. They don't run away from the poisonous gases. - They draw nearer and say things like "Oh, that smells lovely" "My dad used to smoke a pipe like that" and 'What's that lovely smell? is it cherry/strawberry/blackcurrant? [insert your own.]


I haven't the heart to say: "Actually it's a cloud of second-hand smoke. That stuff you get so worked up about when it comes out of a cigarette. It smells of toxins and tars. (And a bit of vanilla.) You're all going to die!"

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It's funny. If you smoke cigarettes (which do stink) even outside people tend to complain about it.


I smoke a pipe. The tobacco I smoke has a fairly strong vanilla aroma.


My pipe emits clouds of blue smoke (especially if I've got a fresh poultice on the back of my neck to help me draw)


Nobody ever complains. They don't run away from the poisonous gases. - They draw nearer and say things like "Oh, that smells lovely" "My dad used to smoke a pipe like that" and 'What's that lovely smell? is it cherry/strawberry/blackcurrant? [insert your own.]


I haven't the heart to say: "Actually it's a cloud of second-hand smoke. That stuff you get so worked up about when it comes out of a cigarette. It smells of toxins and tars. (And a bit of vanilla.) You're all going to die!"


Well put! The 'blue smoke' had me is stitches!

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At the football match on Saturday, it appears that the stewards have clamped down on smokers near the turnstyles at the kop end of the south stand. Therefore they went to smoke in the toilets abd by the time I got there they had been removed by the stewards and we were left with a room full of smoke and people coughing etc ... not nice

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Stood at the bus stop today, yeah I know, and this old lady blasted me for smoking! 'I could get cancer from that yer berk' she shouted. Now, as you all know, I am a gentleman. So I shouted back 'You will have more chance of getting cancer of my ciggy than winning the lottery you old bint' I left it at that. And sat on the bus, having a crafty swig of vodka and a smoke at the back. We all do, don't we?


Why do peeps bang on about this stuff? Shirley her chances of catching cancer from my fag in the open air is nil. It's not like she had many years left in her . . .



The best thing to do with fag smoke is to blow it in a bag and take it home with you I hate the stinking habit.:gag:
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What I find annoying is the Rotherham Hospital as a smoking ban in the grounds, so every time I visit I risk my health, as I wade through the smokers congregated around the entrance to the hospital site. There must be some out of the way place where they can smoke out of the site of the public.

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