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Strange goings on next door..should I be worried?

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Good for you, I hope I helped you in making your decition. If it turns out that something dodgy is going on then you will be glad you did not put your head in the sand like Halibut would have you have do.


I agree wholeheartedly. If more people paid attention, called the Police, or involved themselves in the community, our community would be a lot safer.

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They are vampires.


This explains everything:


1 - Blackout curtains so they dont burn in the sunlight.

2 - No furniture as they dont need to sleep or sit down.

3 - Vampire dog to keep out anyone who dares to venture in.

4 - Lack of comings & goings as they only move in the dead of night.


That's exactly what I was thinking too. You shouldn't worry too much, they usually travel at least a mile or so to find victims, unless they think one of the neighbours has suspicions about them.

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I must dial 101 as the man over the road keeps getting prostitutes in. Really doesn't fit in with my the lovely area I live in . :D


Since when did an Englishman's House become everyone elses?

My bold. I hope he's letting them out again!

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  • 3 months later...
The private house on my road has been empty for a while now. Plenty of viewings but no takers because the inside is small and the carpets are water damaged. But recently someone moved in.....


Now all I saw was two men, with hoods up, taking in a computer and monitor. Then a woman appeared at the door a few days later but seemed to be hiding herself as if she didn't want anyone to see her.


Since then the living room has been furniture free and the new occupants are never seen. They have a dog which yaps away at every noise and only gets let out onto the back yard, no walks and the door is closed behind them. The blinds are black and always down except for rare occasions and now they have a blackout curtain hung over the front window which, even when it's bright and sunny like today, stays shut.


No-one goes out and no-one comes in, none of the neighbours have seen anyone either but we know they are in there. No -one has seen any furniture delivered either.


Usually when a house is newly occupied there's plenty of activity, people coming to see the new house, occupants going in and out bringing belongings etc, but there's been nothing.


Are these just skint, very private people or should I be worried?


My first port of call would be the RSPCA, they can then investigate as to whether the dog is ok, and ascertain anything else from there.

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