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Do Or Die Vs No Uniform 3rd B'day w/ MARTYN + 14TH 25/02


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Every year in February, we celebrate our Birthday and go literally all out to bring to bring great artists into the intimate surroundings of the Harley. This year is no different.


MARTYN (2 hour set) :-


Martijn Deijkers’, aka Martyn’s, unique strand of bass defies easy categorisation. Yet no matter the genre, tempo or drum pattern, there always remains that immersive, intricately detailed and rhythmically precise sound: to his fans and admirers, it’s known simply as ‘Martyn Music.’ A unique character that’s become emblematic for all that’s forward thinking in dubstep and techno, a defiant out-of-the-box mentality is pushed into his every artistic venture, side-stepping convention and continually stepping forward towards what’s new. Or, more often than not, what’s next.


Throughout the many turns and layers of his winding career, the Holland native (and now Washington DC resident) has always stood in a scene of his own. Never a complete outsider but never quite one to fit in, each of his releases is a progression on from where he left off, and an evolution into where the electronic world is likely to move in the near future.


With the album, ‘Ghost People,’ which is on the verge of being released on Brainfeeder this summer, Martyn takes his sound into astral heights, paving his way towards perhaps the most unexpected direction yet. Adjective-heavy journalists and genre-name creators be warned: that next sound is here.






When I first heard 'Hide Yourself' off their debut E.P. with the same name, it rarely was off my speakers. A band brought together by a mutual love of laden with moments of garage and dub. Alongside previous act Disclosure they are our hottest tip for 2012. Their debut single 'Take Me There' is released on the 6th Feb and is already amassing really good press.




Plus much more to be announced soon!!!


£4 earlybird, £5 adv motd

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