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Ed Balls in U-turn over cuts

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I heard Ed Balls saying he couldn't promise to reverse the cuts (Radio 5Live) as he didn't know what the financial position would be if Labour won the next election - there could be a Coalition between Labour and Lib/Dems next time after all who knows?


A Union official came on afterwards and wasn't too pleased about it!


It's important that , what ever happens, Balls come round and round and round and round. Do the Labour Party, All who seem to have never had" proper Job " can represent anyone other than themselves,. bet they don't worry about the price of beef.:rant:

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That's a really worrying statement. People sometimes do change their opinions, especially as/when/if they grow up. They also sometimes change their views through education and personal experience. Some of us even manage to hold views that are not specifically (or blindly) linked to a single political party, but are more about a wider view of what is needed at a given time.


I think there are some people who are so indoctrinated and entrenched in their views that nothing would alter their opinion. They are the fools who the politicians love because they know they can kick them in the nuts and still be guaranteed the vote,

Sensible people do analyse situations and vote accordingly. I think Ed Balls has finally realised that pretending that the cuts wouldn't have happened under a Labour government won't wash because the only folk who believed him were the one's who he could kick in the nuts anyhow.

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Who is anyone to decide what is needed anyway?


You'd hope politicians would. That's why they stand for office - to change things to what's needed. As you're in the Labour Party I take it you lot no longer try and decide what's needed. You're just in it for yourselves. Fair enough. Blair, Brown, Miliband - yes I see what you mean.

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As the credit rating agencies have just downgraded 9 Europen economies in the last 24 hours naming some of them as junk status I think Balls has come to realise that it is the cuts that turned away threats to our own rating in May 2010. Had those cuts not been made our repayments would now be spiraling like those of Europes sick members who failed to bite the bullet.

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Not to mention that before the election Cameron promised not to touch frontline services and protect the NHS.

Cameron also promised to end child detention for those seeking asylum in Britain, subsequently reneged on.

Cameron promised he wouldn't cut EMA before election. He also ruled out raising VAT.

When in government, it was planned to remove free school milk for the under 5s. U turn.

Liberal U turn as government votes to raise tuition fees upto £9,000 p.a..

Education secretary U turns over the funding for school sports, and again U turns on plan to cut grant to the book trust.

Environment Secretary U turns on the sale of forests.

Cameron U turns on Health and Social Care Bill.

Justice Secretary is forced into a U Turn over plans to increase the sentence discount for gulty pleas.

Health Secretary U turns over NHS targets after anger expresed over the massive rise in numbers of those waiting for treatment.

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I think there are some people who are so indoctrinated and entrenched in their views that nothing would alter their opinion. They are the fools who the politicians love because they know they can kick them in the nuts and still be guaranteed the vote,

Sensible people do analyse situations and vote accordingly. I think Ed Balls has finally realised that pretending that the cuts wouldn't have happened under a Labour government won't wash because the only folk who believed him were the one's who he could kick in the nuts anyhow.


Even before the General Election the then government acknowledged there would have to be cuts


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I think there are some people who are so indoctrinated and entrenched in their views that nothing would alter their opinion. They are the fools who the politicians love because they know they can kick them in the nuts and still be guaranteed the vote,

Sensible people do analyse situations and vote accordingly. I think Ed Balls has finally realised that pretending that the cuts wouldn't have happened under a Labour government won't wash because the only folk who believed him were the one's who he could kick in the nuts anyhow.


Sheffield Council then, when one "Dore" opens, another slams shut, we have years of labouring about the council and are stll back to square one. There was an ammendment to say that a square things could be strertched about a bit to and oblong ( could be a bit of a rectangle for the trying to stretch things )

We look foreward to find that labour council expenses are less that the Liberal party when they were in charge. Dream on.

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I think there are some people who are so indoctrinated and entrenched in their views that nothing would alter their opinion. They are the fools who the politicians love because they know they can kick them in the nuts and still be guaranteed the vote,

Sensible people do analyse situations and vote accordingly. I think Ed Balls has finally realised that pretending that the cuts wouldn't have happened under a Labour government won't wash because the only folk who believed him were the one's who he could kick in the nuts anyhow.




Thankyou for that, anarchist.

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Ed Balls, will bounce around like his boss Ed Elastic Band until his Brother ( the mooney eyed brother ) will bring labour back to a suitable oposition but I wont live that long thank god whoever he is, probably a blair/ brown foreign lot. In love all the scots in really ,really, resally north of Hadrians Wall. He knew then what we are now finding out. Samond thinks that North Sea oil will be his, ha,ha,ha.


We as a nation, spend more money per person on the " jocks " than we do on our own people, why ?.

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