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Ed Balls in U-turn over cuts

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Do the tory boys on here work at being stupid, or does it just come naturally to them.

I have never read such asinine crap as most them speil out.


It is difficult to understand how any functioning human being can take this coalition seriously.

Cameron is the biggest fool and the worst PM, by a long chalk, that this country has ever had.

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Meh, I've been saying for years, even before he was PM that Dave Cameron is a complete numpty.


The Lib Dems should have won the Election outright IMO.


The only person i would put in charge of this countries finances is Vince Cable.


Osborne & Balls are callous, conniving, deluded, jumped up little..... ohhh i nearly forgot myself then.

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The only person i would put in charge of this countries finances is Vince Cable.


Osborne & Balls are callous, conniving, deluded, jumped up little..... ohhh i nearly forgot myself then.


George Osborne is a muppet, and not in an "it's time to play the music.." way, FACT!

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Balls now supports freeze on public sector pay.




Unions have accused Labour of failing to speak up for "ordinary people" after shadow chancellor Ed Balls indicated the party would support a pay freeze for public sector workers.


The government has said public sector pay will rise by 1% in the two years to 2015, which is likely to amount to a pay cut once inflation is factored in.


PCS union leader Mark Serwotka said the comments were "hugely disappointing".


The RMT rail union suggested the stance could cost the party votes.


Mr Serwotka accused the Labour Party of "emulating the Tories" on many issues.


"It's hugely disappointing that the Labour Party are just emulating the Tories on many issues," he told the BBC.


"On the one hand, Labour seem to be saying the coalition are going too far, too fast... but on the other hand saying we would have to make the same tough decisions," he said.


"Instead of matching them on the cuts they should be articulating a clear alternative and speaking up for public sector workers and ordinary people in society."

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...PCS union leader Mark Serwotka ... told the BBC.


"On the one hand, Labour seem to be saying the coalition are going too far, too fast... but on the other hand saying we would have to make the same tough decisions," ...


He's just realised that?


I bet he's been drinking Harp!

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They had some stupid labour back bencher on the BBC banging on how the public sector are paying for the cuts. It's not like to private sector have been dishing out 10% pay rises to their rank and file. He set his argument as poor public sector verses minted private sector, surely alienating large numbers of voters.


The 1970s have just rung and wanted their politics back. What a tool !

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This caning of the so called public sector is not new, it has been going on for years.

People in the public sector are the most poorly paid of all workers.

They are the whipping boy at all times.

Yet they do the most necessary, and important, work.

Nearly all private sector work can be done without, for a period.


But public sector work is essential, it must be done, at all times.

That is why the government organise it.


As was vividly shown in the 'winter of discontent' public sector workers are the most important people in the land.

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That's wrong really. On many levels. For starters alot of entry level jobs are better paid in the public sector. Secondly alot of jobs such as care workers are very much in the private sector. Do you want them to stop ? Thirdly, who pays for the public sector ? The private sector.


What mr thick as two short planks labour mp has tried to do is face private and public sector against each other when really it should be about rich and poor.

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