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Ed Balls in U-turn over cuts

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This caning of the so called public sector is not new, it has been going on for years.

People in the public sector are the most poorly paid of all workers.

They are the whipping boy at all times.

Yet they do the most necessary, and important, work.

Nearly all private sector work can be done without, for a period.


But public sector work is essential, it must be done, at all times.That is why the government organise it.


As was vividly shown in the 'winter of discontent' public sector workers are the most important people in the land.


My bold - it's been a while since I read anything that stupid.

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When was the last time you saw Cameron, Clegg or Osborne working for NMW?


Yes, quite.


The opposition (Lab) are more like Tories by the day.


Its time the Unions left them. And im most sincerely going to ask the Co-operative why is Balls still receiving monies from them.

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I believe they are all wealthy and have no need to "work" at all.


A little like our NEW LIEbour friends, Townie Bliar, Ed and David Milliband, Harriet Harman, Balls and Cooper, Liam Byrne and Shaun Woodward to name just a few. Difficult to stand up for the working class when you are a millionaire I suspect.




If they don't work for the money (and many of them don't need it)

If they don't work to help the people


Why do they work?


Could it be that they've got a 'thing' about 'being in charge'?


Would that respond to in-patient treatment?


If a previous government hadn't replaced most of the in-patient mental health services with 'Care in the Community' 'Care on the Streets', might we (the public) be able to get most of them 'sectioned'?


Is that why they did it?


No, it's not a conspiracy and I am not a conspiracy theorist.


Nor is it paranoia if they really are out to get you.

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It is good to see that you have nothing else to do but stalk hard working men.

Where do you find the time?


You and your alter egos scuba, conrod and the other tory boys, are bone idle it seems.

You are on here all the time.

Perhaps if you did some work, you may be taken seriously as contributing members of society.

You are just lazy, idle, leeches on the rest of us.

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Balls now supports freeze on public sector pay.




Unions have accused Labour of failing to speak up for "ordinary people" after shadow chancellor Ed Balls indicated the party would support a pay freeze for public sector workers.


The government has said public sector pay will rise by 1% in the two years to 2015, which is likely to amount to a pay cut once inflation is factored in.


PCS union leader Mark Serwotka said the comments were "hugely disappointing".


The RMT rail union suggested the stance could cost the party votes.


Mr Serwotka accused the Labour Party of "emulating the Tories" on many issues.


"It's hugely disappointing that the Labour Party are just emulating the Tories on many issues," he told the BBC.


"On the one hand, Labour seem to be saying the coalition are going too far, too fast... but on the other hand saying we would have to make the same tough decisions," he said.


"Instead of matching them on the cuts they should be articulating a clear alternative and speaking up for public sector workers and ordinary people in society."


Why are you saing this, what do you hope to achieve by making such posts?

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I believe they are all wealthy and have no need to "work" at all.

A little like our NEW LIEbour friends, Townie Bliar, Ed and David Milliband, Harriet Harman, Balls and Cooper, Liam Byrne and Shaun Woodward to name just a few. Difficult to stand up for the working class when you are a millionaire I suspect. Angel.


Why is that then?

Money is not a corrupting factor.

It is self seeking ambition that is the corrupting factor.

The great defenders of the poverty striken classes have nearly always been rich men and women.

It was only when we were given a voice by these people, that we could speak for ourselves, and gain the rights we have today.


We now have government of self seeking ambitous 'people', I use that word hesitantly, who want to take from us our rights and conditions, so hard won over the last 200 years.


If you let them do this you are fools.

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If they don't work for the money (and many of them don't need it)

If they don't work to help the people


Why do they work?


Could it be that they've got a 'thing' about 'being in charge'?


Would that respond to in-patient treatment?


If a previous government hadn't replaced most of the in-patient mental health services with 'Care in the Community' 'Care on the Streets', might we (the public) be able to get most of them 'sectioned'?


Is that why they did it?

No, it's not a conspiracy and I am not a conspiracy theorist.


Nor is it paranoia if they really are out to get you.


Total and utter bull.

You dont half talk rubbish.

Give it a rest Rupert.

Get on the autogyro and fly away.

Like the real Rupert Bear.

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I am an Engineer, not an Economist.

I have a set of laws that we go by.

Input less efficiency equals output, in simple terms.


What is the situation with the financial sector?

The worlds supply and demand is exactly as it was a few years ago.

What have they done to **** it up?

A few mortgage firms going out of business has caused world wide devastation?

Pull the other one, its got bells on.

All this is nonsense, and a con trick to keep the working man on his arse.


Are you sure about that? My understand is that the demand was fuelled by cheap credit, government and personal debts are now too high, so demand as dropped because people and governments have lost the ability to pay.

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