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Ed Balls in U-turn over cuts

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I do not mean people like you or me.

We are free thinkers.

But the vast majority are not, they need to be told what to do.

And people like that read the Sun, or the Mail, and believe them.

They recieve their instructions, and follow them blindly.


I was under the impression it was aliens that send mind control messages to everyone telling them who to vote for.

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So now Labour have conceded that the cuts were necessary as were the pay freezes. There doesn't seem a lot of differences between the policy of the main partys anymore.

It all boils down to who you trust to administer the cuts. Those who ran the ship into the reef and spent 2 years denying it had hit, or those who turned up with the life boats with a plan to save the passengers.


though the plan involves leaving the poorer passengers to drown

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Just to take your final paragraph.

I well remember the so called winter of discontent, and many more before it.

In what way did we shoot ourselves in the foot?


It was the voters who shot themselves by voting in the most obscene government this country has had under that vile creature Thatcher.


We on the contrary showed how important public sector work is.


By denying services to people whos support you want.

Instead it just got the unions resentment from the general population. Years later, again the government has taken advantage of this memory and the unions have only had a one day strike as a demonstration of solidarity.


Without stoppingout money now, the more the public sector strikes the more money the employer saves. Plus the same work is still expected to be done on their return.


With the state of the econmomy I don't think anyone has the answer. Cutting public sector jobs may save money in the short term, but as the largest employer, such a decision could stagnate the economy. Public Sector employees are relatively well paid and possibly have a good dispozable income. Take that out of the local economy, say in Sheffield and see what the Knock on effect is to local and even national business in the area?

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Weren't you wingeing the other week about the ConDems cutting some benefits or other that you're claiming? Are you a total cretin, continually defending the rich peoples party?



'We are sooooo grateful'!




I am not adverse to having a go at any Political Party who imho gets it wrong. Sadly most NEW LIEbourites will vote, back and defend LIEbour, even if they were convicted baby eaters, just because their Granny and Grandpa backed labour in the 20's. Sad but very true.



There are parts of Glasgow where the male life expectancy is less than some third world areas. Still they keep voting labour as they have ALWAYS done, since records began. They do not have the brain power or common sense to vote for ANY alternative to labour, sadly they deserve all they get.



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I am not adverse to having a go at any Political Party who imho gets it wrong. Sadly most NEW LIEbourites will vote, back and defend LIEbour, even if they were convicted baby eaters, just because their Granny and Grandpa backed labour in the 20's. Sad but very true.



There are parts of Glasgow where the male life expectancy is less than some third world areas. Still they keep voting labour as they have ALWAYS done, since records began. They do not have the brain power or common sense to vote for ANY alternative to labour, sadly they deserve all they get.






My question is: Do we have a radical alternative? I'm not against business' making money etc, but I don't like to see people less fortunate than myself suffer.


Many of the members of the high ranking officials of the labour party now seem to mirror the conservatives with the old school tye. I don't think the social background of labours politicians and officials diversly reflect that of their constituants. You don't see many people from non professional backgrounds rising up to be poleticians. They all seem to be well to do people to start off with. Poletics has become a passtime for the social elite whilst everyday Joe and Josephine is more concerned with surviving through the day.


No matter who the dominant politics is in a country you always end up with the same situation: asmall select few own 95% of the wealth and power. America, Russia and China are modern examples of this.

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It was Rupert Murdoch who wanted it, and he told the voters what to do.


I suppose you voted Tory 3 times because The Sun told you to did you?


No... Oh, your theory fell at the first hurdle.


I do not mean people like you or me.


Oh ofcourse, everyone else is wrong!


We are free thinkers.


Debatable :P


But the vast majority are not, they need to be told what to do.

And people like that read the Sun, or the Mail, and believe them.

They recieve their instructions, and follow them blindly.


I await your next helping of "grasping at straws".

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