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Naff house names


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Originally posted by DaBouncer

I say different, I say Middle Class is exactly that.


Middle class people dont have to work if they choose not to. Middle class people are born into money (families with successful businesses) and they live off that.


Working class is defined as such. Workers!

I say people in Sheffield and these 'affluent' areas are STILL working class. Both partners work (whether be it doctors, teachers, solicitors) they have jobs. It's just certain snobbery still exists that people that have setup home in these 'affluent' areas try to disassociate themselves with the other 'not to affluent' areas around them.


How do they do this, by saying that BECAUSE they live in an 'affluent' area and their parents are Doctors/Teachers then they are middle class and all others are working class.


That rubbish mate.



Live in Whirlow.

Mother born into a family that had a successful haulage business established and grew up in Greystones.


Father born to working parents in Arbourthorne and trained as a plasterer.


She works part time as a receptionist, he works out of london as a contractor (plasterer/builder).


Is this family working class or middle class?



So a working class binman wins the lottery, thus no longer having to work, and in your eyes suddenly elevates to being middle class? Don't think so, 'mate'. Middle class is not as easily defined as that. Occupation DOES affect class. In answer to your question, the mother is lower middle class and the father is working class, IMHO. The mother was born into a family with a rich businessman as her father and grew up in one of Sheffields better suburbs. The father grew up in Arbourthorne and is a manual labourer.


PS. I presume they're your girlfriends parents?

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Originally posted by tango2

So this was a thread on Naff House Names,and it still reverts to a class argument.


Seems to me that this subject is the only topic some people have a veiw on.


I'm afraid that's very true. imo the people who shout loudest about class and accent are those who have very little in their lives in terms of achievement. It is the centre of their world without which they would feel inadequate.


Once they have made their mark in the world people tend to place less emphasis on class and more on who they actually are.

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Originally posted by t020

So a working class binman wins the lottery, thus no longer having to work, and in your eyes suddenly elevates to being middle class? Don't think so, 'mate'. Middle class is not as easily defined as that. Occupation DOES affect class. In answer to your question, the mother is lower middle class and the father is working class, IMHO. The mother was born into a family with a rich businessman as her father and grew up in one of Sheffields better suburbs. The father grew up in Arbourthorne and is a manual labourer.


PS. I presume they're your girlfriends parents?

Obviously you dont read or think.

Lets clear on thing up t020, we are not and never will be 'mates'. I used this term when referring to you rather than using the word snob.

I hope this will be the last about classes we discusss on this thread t020... if you want to continue it... lets use Tango2's thread in General Sheffield Chat (see link below). Let me clear something up... NO they are not my girlfriends parents... however they are REAL people. And all this talk of Upper middle class / lower middle class / just middle class it straight out of your warped mind of trying to make yourself sound better than everyone else. You have issues.


Second I stated and I quote:

Posted by DaBouncer

Middle class people dont have to work if they choose not to. Middle class people are born into money (families with successful businesses) and they live off that.

There... Born into money... not winning lottery... BORN.

The Binman that won the lottery will always be working class.... however his children that would be born and brought up in that millionaire lifestyle will by definition (or state of mind) be middle class.


I feel that this post sums it up in one T020.


Just one more thing my fiancee is from Whirlow... which is a more 'affluent' area than Ecclesall. And she classes herself (and so does her family) as working class. So get over yourself!

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

Just one more thing my fiancee is from Whirlow... which is a more 'affluent' area than Ecclesall. And she classes herself (and so does her family) as working class. So get over yourself!


Thats what made me think the examples you were referring to were your fiancées parents. You have previously stated that her dad is a builder, so with that in mind, of course she considers herself to be working class on the basis that she IS.


Also, don't tell me to get over myself. I'm not claiming to be better than anyone. I was, like many others, just discussing the definition of class, which these days is very hard to define as there are so many grey areas. If you want to throw insults, use PMs by all means, but not the actual forum!

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

. And all this talk of Upper middle class / lower middle class / just middle class it straight out of your warped mind of trying to make yourself sound better than everyone else. You have issues.


"All this talk" was not started by me so don't blame me for it. And yes, there are various levels of being Middle class, not in my 'warped mind' but in text book definitions and general consensus NATIONWIDE (not just in this flat cap wearing village).

The levels exist because the professionals who work for a living are middle class, but so too are those born into wealth that spend their time hunting foxes in the countryside. The 2 are clearly different groups of people, hence lower and upper middle classes.

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Originally posted by t020

Thats what made me think the examples you were referring to were your fiancées parents. You have previously stated that her dad is a builder, so with that in mind, of course she considers herself to be working class on the basis that she IS.

And so are YOU:P

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How pathetic was your last post t020?? You're making yourself sound like a snob, hence people picking you up on this!! It doesn't matter what background you were brought up in, what does matter is how much love you were given and HOW you were brought up... as it seems some of us were DRAGGED up!!?? You, obviously, have some serious issues with people who were born into a different family to yours, because to you, you're all high and mighty because of where you live. Let's get one thing straight, you're NO better than ANYONE of us on here, and I for one won't let you THINK you are!!

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Originally posted by Chloe

How pathetic was your last post t020?? You're making yourself sound like a snob, hence people picking you up on this!! It doesn't matter what background you were brought up in, what does matter is how much love you were given and HOW you were brought up... as it seems some of us were DRAGGED up!!?? You, obviously, have some serious issues with people who were born into a different family to yours, because to you, you're all high and mighty because of where you live. Let's get one thing straight, you're NO better than ANYONE of us on here, and I for one won't let you THINK you are!!

What he fails to realise that her 'just a builder' dad has his own company and probably makes at least twice as much.

But it's neither here nore there really!

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