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Originally posted by DaBouncer

What he fails to realise that her 'just a builder' dad has his own company and probably makes at least twice as much.

But it's neither here nore there really!


What you fail to realise is that you called me working class when, by official definition, I'm not. And Chloe, that is not to say I "think I'm better than anyone", but DaBouncer did make that post purely to provoke my response.



Also, however much they earn, a builder is still a working class occupation.

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Originally posted by t020

What you fail to realise is that you called me working class when, by official definition, I'm not. And Chloe, that is not to say I "think I'm better than anyone", but DaBouncer did make that post purely to provoke my response.



Also, however much they earn, a builder is still a working class occupation.

I'm a manager t020.... am I now middle class then?

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

True... thanks for fulfilling my wish.


And you are working class mate. But you can delude yourself by thinking otherwise if you so wish.:P


Oooooooooooh, shall I rise to the bait again? Yes I shall.

No I'm not working class, by most definitions I would be somewhere between lower and middle middle class. Do I think I'm aristocracy? No. Do I think I'm 'better'? No. I reckon about 30% of the users on here are middle class, only some don't like admitting it these days for some reason - some kind of inverse snobbery thing.

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Originally posted by DaBouncer

I'm a manager t020.... am I now middle class then?


There I was thinking you were a doorman....


Anyway, if you are a manager it would depend upon what level of management it is - i.e. "team leader" or "supervisor" or other such title in a call centre or something does not constitute proper management. By management I mean senior and middle level managers upwards. If thats the case with you then your kids, if you have any, would by definition be middle class, yes.

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I am a doorman. Head doorman.

However I'm also a civil servant... a manager within the civil service. I'm a government worker. However I'll not make you say it.


I feel personally that I am and always will be working class. And proud to be. You know not a snob, not a 'I'm better than you' type o' guy... regular old fashioned hard working; working class bloke!



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Originally posted by DaBouncer

I am a doorman. Head doorman.

However I'm also a civil servant... a manager within the civil service. I'm a government worker. However I'll not make you say it.


I feel personally that I am and always will be working class. And proud to be. You know not a snob, not a 'I'm better than you' type o' guy... regular old fashioned hard working; working class bloke!




If you were a high level civil serice manager theres no way you'd be moonlighting as a doorman........

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