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100 years on from the Titanic disaster it seems we haven't learned much.

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From a prior post,


"The Titanic hull was sub divided into a series of 20 or so water tight compartments. If any 4 of the compartments were breached then the ship would still be able to stay afloat. Unfortunately, the iceberg breached 5 compartments as confirmed via a visual inpection by Thomas Andrews - ship designer who was also onboard the maiden voyage."




I believe the main reason the Titanic sank was that the "compartments" did not extend fully to the roof, allowing the ingress of water once the hull was breached to fill one compartment to overflowing - into the next compartment - then into the next and so on resulting in the sheer weight of water pulling her under.


Why do modern ships still sink when the hull is breached, they must now have completely watertight compartments surely. Maybe the Italian Captain made a mistake trying to turn to get her into harbour, the wash and weight of the water might have pulled her over.


Why was the boat - 4 miles off course, I imagine that will take some explaining.





You couldn't make it up. They said on the news that the captain went off course so that people on one of the islands could get a better look at it. £200 million pounds later...:loopy:


Re the water tight doors. They are only water tight if they are shut. The Herald of Free Enterprise sank in the channel because they left the bow door open when the ship set sail. The bow wave at the front of the ship swamped the car deck and the ship sank.:loopy:

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From a prior post,


"The Titanic hull was sub divided into a series of 20 or so water tight compartments. If any 4 of the compartments were breached then the ship would still be able to stay afloat. Unfortunately, the iceberg breached 5 compartments as confirmed via a visual inpection by Thomas Andrews - ship designer who was also onboard the maiden voyage."




I believe the main reason the Titanic sank was that the "compartments" did not extend fully to the roof, allowing the ingress of water once the hull was breached to fill one compartment to overflowing - into the next compartment - then into the next and so on resulting in the sheer weight of water pulling her under.


Why do modern ships still sink when the hull is breached, they must now have completely watertight compartments surely. Maybe the Italian Captain made a mistake trying to turn to get her into harbour, the wash and weight of the water might have pulled her over.


Why was the boat - 4 miles off course, I imagine that will take some explaining.




You're absolutely correct. I forgot to mention the fact that the so called 'watertight' compartments in the Titanic did not reach to the top of the ship - hence why the water flowed over the top of one and flooded the next one etc. I suppose the ship designers at Harland & Wolff never imagined that 5 compartments could be breached at any one time. It's been speculated that if the Titanic had rammed the ice berg head on, then she may have been kept afloat thanks to the compartments.


With regards to the Costa Concordia, it's possible that the ship didn't take on much water following the collision, however, there was no hope for her when she capsized following the ill fated turn to port.

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Shocking. If this proves to be the case then he needs the book throwing at him.

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Costa Concordia capsizes off Italian coast.




Seems we haven't learned much? What do you mean "we"?


How many cruise ships have run aground and capsized in the last few decades?


"We" have learned a whole lot and "we" are today equipped with all the gadgetry and safety technology to prevent this from happening.


What "we" dont have however are "idiot checks" and when a captain does something completely stupid and irresponsible then the unthinkable can still happen as has just been proved.

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It seems like the Titanic there was a captain who was over confident and ignored the risks and a boat that wasn't saved by its watertight compartments when the hull was breached. It also seems that many folk had no life jackets, couldn't get into life boats, and even the safety drill hadn't been held and so passengers had no idea what they were supposed to do.

The only saving grace here is it wasn't arctic waters and was close to land otherwise there would have been massive loss of life.

I still cannot comprehend how with SONAR, SatNav, Radar etc etc a ship of this size can hit a rock and sink.


According to some stories captain Smith was pressured by the ships owners. one of whom was aboard, to go full steam ahead with the intention of setting a new speed record.

Iceberg warnings were sent to the Titanic by other ships in the area but for some reason were ignored.

Another ship the California was in the area and mistook the distress signals for something else. Passengers in steerage class were allegedly met with locked exit doors when trying to reach the lifeboat deck.


My grandfather was one of the men who worked on that ship

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Do you have to be racist?


It wasn't funny but the whole scenario was nevertheless a sick black comedy.


Passengers have stated that the captain and some of the crew left the ship before the passengers managed to get off.


While the ship was beginning to list an announcement came over the ships public address system advising passengers that there was a problem with the ships electrical system and that technicians were working to repair it


It's alleged that the captain may have directed the ship to be brought close to the shore in order for passengers to wave to those on shore. ??


Many of the crew were as panic. stricken as the passengers. Passengers say that they were given no directions as to where to go and it became a case of everyone for him/herself.


I've done cruises aboard ships owned by Norwegian and Swedish cruise lines and there were fire and lifeboat drills with signs all over the place telling where to proceed and the identities of ships officers in each section where the various groups were to assemble for evacuation. Safety and efficiency were very obviously priority issues.


Nothing resembling that appears to have been on the Concord.


So again, trust the Italians

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