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Gove: "Lets buy the Queen a £60m Yacht!"

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Apparently bored with trying to force schools to become academies against their wishes, Michael Gove has now decided that he wants to waste £60m of taxpayers money building a new yacht for the Queen.


As if there were ever any doubt that 'All in it together' was just a meaningless soundbite, this just goes and proves it.


This isn't just out of touch, its a deliberate two fingers up to the people who are losing their jobs and having services cut - taking taxpayers money and making sure it stays with the already wealthy ruling elite.

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No problem I think she probably deserves one after all the good she and her's have done for this flourish country. We can surely make a few cuts to the overpopulated public sector workers, no one will miss a few more police, fire of hospital staff. I'm sure we could also make some useful cuts to other sectors to but only if it has a direct impact on those actually born and bred in this country.



Yes a "slight" touch of sarcasm here

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He really is the Crown Prince of Village Idiots isn't he?


Tell you what, lets buy her another palace as well, we can build it in one of the areas no longer getting a new school.


There's a comment on the Guardian site that he's like a Chris Morris character in real life....

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Yet another case of the tories being in touch with reality!!! If he really thinks she should have one how about starting a public subscription and to get the ball rolling each of the cabinet put in a million each. That should more than cover it :0


Hang on, is that a pig i see flying over westminster??

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