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Gove: "Lets buy the Queen a £60m Yacht!"

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Ah, if only. I can just imagine, black vans of snatch squads cruising the sink estates, looking for known lifelong scroungers, to be tapped on the noggin, chucked in the back of the van and never seen again, just like the street children in Buenos Aires.


There are bigger scroungers than those out there on the 'sink estates', Conrod.


Remember the Queen asking for a heating allowance, or the MPs expenses scandal?

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I think this story is just the cover for a good day to bury bad news to be honest. The bigger story is that Gove wants to fail your children and throw them on the scrap heap by making exams harder.


Don't make me laugh if they got any easier you could use them as toilet tissue. I took A level English online about 3 years ago and passed without doing any work in one year when the subject used to take 2 years when I was at school. Either I'm extremely intelligent or they are not worth the paper they are written on - let's all guess which. 3 years ago I was 57

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I think this story is just the cover for a good day to bury bad news to be honest. The bigger story is that Gove wants to fail your children and throw them on the scrap heap by making exams harder.
You're special.


The whole education system has been devalued because of grad inflation and easy exams under labour. It needs to be fixed, so that only exceptional students can get A grades, and dimwits can't pass at all.

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Why not be proud of being wise with money instead then?
What do you mean by that?


I would betray the crown in a heartbeat, and be proud to do so.
What would you suggest as an alternative? to just have the Prime Minister running the show,or a President who would cost the tax payer just as much,and probably more.Imagine how much it costs the USA when the President goes on State visits(with all the entourage that requires.
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