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Gove: "Lets buy the Queen a £60m Yacht!"

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Oh I see. So you wouldn't mind if we bought an Airbus for David Cameron out of your taxes, but you carp about private individuals clubbing together to buy a boat that can be used for state occassions and promoting british industry. The politics of envy are strange indeed.


You're putting words in my mouth. Don't.


Gove's leaked letter suggested using taxpayers money, especially now in times of austerity as he suggests it would mean so much more.


If the house of commons approved a private jet for the PM, it wouldn't belong to him would it? It would belong to HM government.


But let private corporations curry favour with the nobs if that's what they want to do. It's not like the yacht is going to be any kind of "gift from the people".


But it's important to distinguish between elected representatives, and titular rulers who derive their authority from a sky pixie.

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  • 9 years later...

An update on the original poster's topic title.  We're now speaking of £190 million. 


Today, MP Craig Mackinlay, in light of the death of Prince Philip, is calling for a new Royal Yacht to be built & named in honour of the Price. 

In reality, Mackinlay has been touting this idea for a few years but obviously now with the Prince's death, Mackinlay see a fresh opportunity to kick start the project. 

Speaking on the Jeremy Vine show this morning, he says the yacht would be good for promoting British business & could be used as a hospital ship in times of need & used as a training ship for young people. 

Spending £190 million on such a project in the current economic climate? Surely something more worthwhile could be built to honour the Prince? 


How about a new hospital for instance? 


Or how about simply not bothering to spend such a substantial amount of money at all? 

Edited by Baron99
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