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Gove: "Lets buy the Queen a £60m Yacht!"

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I don’t think it would go down well with the public spending that amount of money on a new yacht.  It does make you think tho when the old yacht was on tour and foreign business men were invited onboard how beneficial this was to our country?  I read once that lots of deals were done on the old yacht. 

Good idea about a hospital or bring out a new banknote with a photo of Prince Phillip on it would be a better idea in my opinion.

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34 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

I don’t think it would go down well with the public spending that amount of money on a new yacht.  It does make you think tho when the old yacht was on tour and foreign business men were invited onboard how beneficial this was to our country?  I read once that lots of deals were done on the old yacht. 

Good idea about a hospital or bring out a new banknote with a photo of Prince Phillip on it would be a better idea in my opinion.

I think an awful lot of Tory voters will think it's a great idea. Even those struggling to heat their homes or queuing for a food bank won't mind the queen getting a new boat on taxpayers money.

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9 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

I think an awful lot of Tory voters will think it's a great idea. Even those struggling to heat their homes or queuing for a food bank won't mind the queen getting a new boat on taxpayers money.

And that is why I don’t think it is a good idea, I also don’t think it will happen.

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10 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

I think an awful lot of Tory voters will think it's a great idea. Even those struggling to heat their homes or queuing for a food bank won't mind the queen getting a new boat on taxpayers money.

It's less than the weekly extra expense of post Brexit border controls and customs declarations alone!


At least, if it's to be used to train young people, some may actually see some benefit for the thing they'll be paying for for the rest of their lives.

8 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

And that is why I don’t think it is a good idea, I also don’t think it will happen.

Agree'd. Certainly the Queen's not going to be using it I'll wager.

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1 hour ago, Baron99 said:

An update on the original poster's topic title.  We're now speaking of £190 million. 


Today, MP Craig Mackinlay, in light of the death of Prince Philip, is calling for a new Royal Yacht to be built & named in honour of the Price. 

In reality, Mackinlay has been touting this idea for a few years but obviously now with the Prince's death, Mackinlay see a fresh opportunity to kick start the project. 

Speaking on the Jeremy Vine show this morning, he says the yacht would be good for promoting British business & could be used as a hospital ship in times of need & used as a training ship for young people. 

Spending £190 million on such a project in the current economic climate? Surely something more worthwhile could be built to honour the Prince? 


How about a new hospital for instance? 


Or how about simply not bothering to spend such a substantial amount of money at all? 

Who the (bleep-bleep) is Craig Mackinlay? never heard of him.

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59 minutes ago, hauxwell said:

I don’t think it would go down well with the public spending that amount of money on a new yacht.  It does make you think tho when the old yacht was on tour and foreign business men were invited onboard how beneficial this was to our country?  I read once that lots of deals were done on the old yacht. 

Good idea about a hospital or bring out a new banknote with a photo of Prince Phillip on it would be a better idea in my opinion.

Deals which could equally be done without a yacht, like every other country manages to do.


The royal family are an anachronism, and for an mp to suggest we should fund another floating gin palace for them is sickening, and tone deaf.

8 minutes ago, Magilla said:

It's less than the weekly extra expense of post Brexit border controls and customs declarations alone!


At least, if it's to be used to train young people, some may actually see some benefit for the thing they'll be paying for for the rest of their lives.

Agree'd. Certainly the Queen's not going to be using it I'll wager.

Train young people for what? Shipbuilding? Build some lifeboats or some other boats which have a use beyond providing a free, floating pleasure cruise for the very select few.

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30 minutes ago, RollingJ said:

Who the (bleep-bleep) is Craig Mackinlay? never heard of him.

No, neither have I but he touted a similar plan back in 2018.  The cost given then was £120 million. 



Let's not forget, whatever the rumoured cost, you could add probably another 20% on top?  How many such projects come in on budget?  Additionally, what would be the yearly running costs for a £190 million yacht & I wonder who would be picking up that tab?   Such costs are never factored in to the headline figures.  Plus the cost already appears to have rise £70 million in approximately 3 years? 


It was amusing to watch Mackinlay this morning, trying to justify this.  At one stage he said it could be used as a hospital ship in times of need.  Journalist, Eve Pollard then pointed out that this was one of the arguments put forward for the previous Royal Yacht, Britannia & of course when the time came when Britannia could have been used in such a capacity, the Falklands conflict, it was deemed unsuitable. 


If business needs a boat for business, then let business pay for one.  Alternatively, we have numerous oligarchs in London, just ask to rent one their enormous super yachts. 

Edited by Baron99
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I wonder if the monarchy will survive much beyond the Queen? Few in the family have her sense of hard work and duty. There will be a lot of constitutional problems with Charles, and I'm not sure William even wants it, especially when he sees the life of Riley Harry's living in the California sunshine with all the money and few restrictions. He might want out. 



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Thanks for the link, @Baron99 - so he's one of the 'useless' MP's, just trying to make a name for himself and failing miserably.


In case no-one has realised yet, I admit to being a 'Right-wing Monarchist', as those on the left would describe me, but I too fail to see the advantage of such an idea, and assume that when the previous vessel was decommissioned, it was correctly decided the cost of a replacement could not be justified.

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50 minutes ago, Bargepole23 said:

Train young people for what? Shipbuilding?

I would imagine there are a huge number of things that working on a ship could teach young people, including how they're built.



Build some lifeboats or some other boats which have a use beyond providing a free, floating pleasure cruise for the very select few.

A select few doesn't have to be "rich people". The DofE Awards scheme being a good example.


...but on the whole, agree'd.


Just pointing out than in the wider context, the cost is almost negligible, we're burning through far far more than that every week on other "projects" :roll:


A £190m yacht isn't going to show British excellence anyway, Russian oligarchs are already way beyond those sorts of prices.



Edited by Magilla
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