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Gove: "Lets buy the Queen a £60m Yacht!"

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2 hours ago, Magilla said:

I would imagine there are a huge number of things that working on a ship could teach young people, including how they're built.


A select few doesn't have to be "rich people". The DofE Awards scheme being a good example.


...but on the whole, agree'd.


Just pointing out than in the wider context, the cost is almost negligible, we're burning through far far more than that every week on other "projects" :roll:


A £190m yacht isn't going to show British excellence anyway, Russian oligarchs are already way beyond those sorts of prices.



I'm sure there are so many more effective ways of training young people than building a new royal yacht.


You're right, a select few doesn't have to rich people or the royal family. Except it will be, as it was before. All that guff about the yacht and palaces belonging to the nation. Maybe technically so, but they are generally for the sole use of one ridiculously privileged family, and their friends.

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