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Gay parents and Mothers Day.

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Ive just got off the phone with a friend of mine.

As she didnt see me take the little one to school this morning she rang to see if all was well.

We got chatting, as you do and i explained i had removed my daughter from school for her own saftey.

She then went on to tell me that she is taking her two kids out for similar reasons.

Another reason she is moving schools is the attitdue of some of the staff.

Last mothers day one of her kids wanted to do two cards as he has two mums. The teacher said no. No reason given just a no!

She complained to the school whos reasoning astounds me.

She was told that as the children only have one mum (im assuming she means biological) then only one card can be made and taken home and school rules mean she can only take one card home.

At first i thought she waswinding me up, having a laugh or whatever but the fact she ended up crying on the phone told me otherwise.

Rant over!!

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What a horrid person this teacher must be, damaging to the child I would guess too.


Also, what if the child is fostered and wanted a card for both the foster mother and bio?


Teachers can have ideas above their station at times, it was a teacher of my daughter when she was 7/8 that had a personal dislike to her, it almost wrecked her whole school life. Thankfully it was raised and the teacher was dismissed.


Your friend could goto the head, and if not happy after that enlighten them the Sheffield Star might be interested, as I'm sure they would ;)

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She was told that as the children only have one mum (im assuming she means biological) then only one card can be made and taken home and school rules mean she can only take one card home.


I'm sure school rules don't say anything about this. It's more likely bigoted and closed-minded teacher's rules!



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How absolutely ridiculous. As has been mentioned before, what about children who are fostered or adopted but still have contact with their birth mothers (it happens), or children who are raised by their grandparents or aunts and uncles for various reasons.


I'd be putting in a letter of complaint to the school. This child has two mums, they better start getting used to it, because it will happen again.

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