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Miliband leading Labour to destruction and certain election defeat

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The Coalition agreement isn't legally binding


No, it isn't, unless they've already passed the Act which was supposed to encompass that rule into law. But if they shot themselves in the foot that badly, we could guarantee that never again would a hung Parliament feature a coalition that had Tories in it, regardless of how the seats might be divided.

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Here is a quick question for all those who are members of unions. This may have some baring on the spat between Labour and the Unions. Are your union subs a percentage of your earnings or a flat fee?


Flat fee, but the fee is based upon your salary.


So for example if you're on £16,000 you pay £8 a month. If you're on £20,000 you pay £11 a month. If you're on £25,000 you pay £16 a month.


Although you all get the exact same service. :confused:


Ah, here you go, a list of costs:



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He has no mandate. He failed to win an election against a party on its knees. The public never backed Cameron in sufficient numbers. It really is that simple. It's his achilles heel and it will be taken advantage of eventually.


What an interesting way of spinning a thread.


Cameron is the man in Downing Street. Miliband isn't

Cameron increased his party vote at the last election. Brown didn't

Cameon is flying high in the personal approval polls. Miliband has just sunk beneath Clegg in his.

The unions are now criticising Miliband. His advisors are criticising him and his back benchers are as well.

Cameron must be really cacking his pants. You should send him your post to cheer him up.

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Why would he want to do that? He has a mandate for 5 years as well as an agreement requiring a 5 year parliamentary term. I suspect that Cameron is quite happy watching the Labour Party fall apart at the seems as it gets into spats with the hands that feed it.


There's no need for any spin. He didn't win. Kind of like missing the biggest open goal in history.


Why didn't he win? Why wasn't his party trusted enough?

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What an interesting way of spinning a thread.


Cameron is the man in Downing Street. Miliband isn't

Cameron increased his party vote at the last election. Brown didn't

Cameon is flying high in the personal approval polls. Miliband has just sunk beneath Clegg in his.

The unions are now criticising Miliband. His advisors are criticising him and his back benchers are as well.

Cameron must be really cacking his pants. You should send him your post to cheer him up.


I don't know if you noticed or not but the current government is not at all popular. The Fact that Disasterous Dave is going to try and bribe people for votes with tax cuts and the marriage allowance is neither here nor there as this is going to be negated with high enemployment and ill feeling. His best bet is to call an election now because from here on in, things are going to get much worse for him and his party.

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He has no mandate. He failed to win an election against a party on its knees. The public never backed Cameron in sufficient numbers. It really is that simple. It's his achilles heel and it will be taken advantage of eventually.


2010 - Tory party = 36.1% voter share

2005 - Labour party = 35.2% voter share


Cameron has a higher voter share than Tony Blair did in 2005.

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I don't know if you noticed or not but the current government is not at all popular. The Fact that Disasterous Dave is going to try and bribe people for votes with tax cuts and the marriage allowance is neither here nor there as this is going to be negated with high enemployment and ill feeling. His best bet is to call an election now because from here on in, things are going to get much worse for him and his party.


That is the funniest post I've read in years. Sadly I don't even think you believe a word of it either.


Perhaps you should read Len McCluskey's words in the OP, or the latest YouGov poll which has Miliband dropping below Clegg in the popularity stakes, and that was taken before Labour's latest economic policy U turn.:hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi::hihi:

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